
Hi, ...........thanks
for coming to look at my page.
I am a
novice at this Internet Business but my husband, enjoys it very
much and has kindly offered to help me build this homepage -
thanks Keith...
I have a really nice
halfday job working for the Mangement Development Centre at the
University of Port Elizabeth as a Secretary. My job necessitates
that I become involved with the students, facilitators,
professors and clients - this is an aspect that I really enjoy
being a "people's person"
Ashleigh and Samantha, my twin daughters keep me busy
most of the time - what with ballet lessons, music, sport and
homework. The joys of being a Mom !!!
I enjoy
spending time with my family, reading books (Barbra Trapido being
one of my favourites), listening to music (from contemporary to
I would also like to
learn more about Aromatherapy. So if anyone out there can provide
me with information or good links on the Net, please get in
I would
really enjoy hearing from other moms who have twins, triplets or
multiples. Please e-mail me . I will reply to all mail as and
when I can fit it into my busy schedule.
Please sign and view my guestbook.

page was developed using Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.

Many of
the animations, gifs, graphics and pictures have been borrowed.
If I am in infringement of any copyright please notify me by
e-mail and they will be removed.

JKAH April 1999 - All
rights reserved
a member of The HTML Writers Guild

Home / Keith / Marlene / Ashleigh / Samantha / Poetry / Awards / Old Home Page
Photographs : Keith / Marlene / Ashleigh / Samantha / Twins / Wedding