I was
born very prematurely at +/- 29 weeks and had to spend 10 days in
intensive care and was in an incubator for about a month. I was
born on Friday the 13 th October 1989 and they only let me go
home on the 30 th of November.

My mom
and dad were very worried about me but this was unfounded as I
was in the care of Drs. Moller, Fineston and Struwig and some
very good nursing sisters. Here are some pictures of me as I have
grown up.

At age
three I began playschool where I started to learn how to draw,
read, do puzzles and potatoe prints and the basic requirements of
being "naughty". At age six I started primary school
and my mom and dad are very happy with my progress now that i am
in grade 4.

for looking at my page. Please come back again because these
pictures will change from time to time as I grow older and get
bored with them.
drop me some email. My address is: keithhol@global.co.za
Please sign and view my guestbook.
sister and I have just started collecting postage stamps and
would really like you to send us some from your country if you
see chance.
post them to:
& Sam
6008 ZA

Many of
the animations, gifs, graphics and pictures have been borrowed.
If I am in infringement of any copyright please notify me by
e-mail and they will be removed.
JKAH April 1999 - All
rights reserved
a member of The HTML Writers Guild

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Photographs : Keith / Marlene / Ashleigh / Samantha / Twins / Wedding