© JKAH April
1999 - All
rights reserved
a member of The HTML Writers Guild

This is where we live :

live in Port
, South
Africa. Port
Elizabeth is a harbour city in the Eastern Province of South
Africa. If you look for it on a map you will find it at the
bottom right hand side. (I will be placing some links here so
that you can see pictures - once I learn how to do it that is
!!!!!!!!) The
city is situated 260km from Knysna and +- 800km from Cape town.
Known for its sunshine and safe sandy beaches . For the tourist
wanting a total South African experience, Port Elizabeth is the
perfect complement to the Garden Route, Settler Hinterland,
Sunshine Coast and Cape. Located on the South Eastern coast of
Africa, this major sea port and tourist destination is set along
the beautiful shores of Algoa Bay, and is fondly referred to as
the Friendly City. The city is the second largest city in terms
of area and the fifth largest in terms of population in South
Africa(1.1 million). The city is also an important centre for the
South African motor industry.

My Family 
Marlene and I
have been married for 10 years and we have twin daughters Ashleigh and Samantha (dads
darlings), who are now 8 years old (they will be nine on 13
October - just so you can send cards). (pictures still to come) Marlene (picture still to come)
works half day at the University of Port Elizabeth for the Centre
for Continuing Education. She is still new to the Internet (she
think this thing bytes). Marlene enjoys music, reading, educating
the twins and spending time with the family.
I work for a large corporation
as a staff trainer and have been training for the past 10 years.
Prior to this I sold assurance and was administative manager for
one of the branches. Before joining the assurance industry I
worked for an airline company and have travelled fairly
extensively. I enjoy
THE INTERNET, music, a little reading , watching sport on telly
and good wine. I sometimes write a little poetry. Here is one for
you written some time ago.
In ceasless motion is the sea,
Expressing its many moods
Wave - like the life within me,
It begins and then concludes.
A little ripple in the blue beyond
That grows into a wave
And breaks into a life prolonged
Then flows back to its watery grave
Crashing and beating at its confine
Furious: slashing at its constraint
Waves roaring devoid of time
Echoing over the world - so faint.
One wave - inconspicious on the sea
Thus is life and thus is me.
Our HAPPY Home
are busy moving in and making alterations to our new home. So in
other words we are still "UNDER
CONSTRUCTION". We hope to get to know you all
soon so please take the opportunity to call in on us from time to
time to see how things are going.
Favourite pastimes
simply love chatting on the net. My wife is
not too partial to it. I can usually be found on PowWow , ICQ and PIRCH. She says it keeps me away
from the household chores like mowing the lawn (it has grown very
l o n g) ,cleaning the swimming pool (it has turned green), changing light bulbs (the monitor screen
works in the dark), and it keeps me out of bed (but
we already have twins).

Communication is the answer for

Click here to page me on PowWow.

PowWow is not
working yet !!!!!
Call me in ICQ
(My UIN is 1181367) 

Please take a minute to Sign My

Thanks to Tanya/George/Rika/Justin/Marls,Sam
& Ash/Steffy/Wendy/Mark and The Thomases for signing my guestbook.
(The names of
the first 10 people to sign my guestbook will stay on my page
forever !!!)
View My Guestbook

As I am still new at this game I
think it is still going to take a while before we are fully
settled in and in a position to invite you over for tea or a
drink. Please be patient !!! I eventually hope to have some
photographs , good links , music and all the other goodies. If
you happen to drop by and have any suggestions, ideas or any
general help you can give I would appreciate it. Please just drop
me a line to the email address listed. See you soon.

my page has received

This counter stopped working ages and
ages ago and I didn't know how to get it working again

I really would appreciate hearing from
you , so please email me at:

© 1998 keithhol@global.co.za
This page
was developed using
and Internet Explorer 4
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Certain graphics and animations have
been borrowed from various sites on the net with thanks. 
Should I be in infringement of any
copyright please notify me and I will remove the items .

Home / Keith / Marlene / Ashleigh / Samantha / Poetry / Awards / Old Home Page
Photographs : Keith / Marlene / Ashleigh / Samantha / Twins / Wedding
The above are links to my
new page and have recently been added (April 1999)