My Photo Page
Here are some family pics.
Just click on the image to see the actual size.
This is my son Adam.
He was 18 in January.
This is my other son, Jack. He was 17 in January.
Two days before Adam's birthday!
This is a picture of Sandy. She is 17 now.

This is Michelle with three of my granddaughters, Becca, Kim and Crystal.
This is Sandy and Kacie.
Sandy was 17 in September and
Kacie was 25 in May!
Kacie is my oldest although I am sure I am too young to have
a 25 year old kid!!!
This is Connie & Dave, June 8, 1996.
Those are our six children who live in Arizona.
vWe have another daughter that live in Santa Cruz.
This is Angie and her husband Danny.
Angie was 24
in January.
(Two days before Jack Jr's birthday.)
(Same day as CJ's birthday. Are we seeing a pattern

This is Maddy, Danny and Angie's eldest daughter.
She will be 3 in December
This is Olivia. She is Danny & Angie's new baby girl.
She was born this past May.
OK, you've seen the kids.....
Now it's time to meet the parents of those kids.
This is Jack, (my husband), at the ocean in Carlsbad.
We go there as often as we can and camp.
Our camp ground is just above him on the hill. It is beautiful
This is me, Subee. Webmaster of all this STUFF!
But, before me, there was another.
And before her, someone even more special...
That is me on the left. Next to me is my grandfather. (Can you believe he is 90?)
Then we have Kacie holding Kim, CJ,
My mom, (Dorothy), and on the floor is Sandy.
You are
looking at five generations!
In fact, for a better look at my grandfather...
This is my grandfather again (Poppop), and my granddaughter
Can you tell they just adore each other. Poppop is 90
years old but don't tell him that!
He still travels all over the world and visits family all across
the USA!
But I have left someone out. The one who devotes his whole
life to me! (Or is it the other way around?)
He's my baby. In fact the rug he is laying on has his
pic and it says "Mama's spoiled boy!"
And he is too! But he is worth it all.
Well, that's the family, but I have some pics just for fun too.
This is my nephew Brent, Jack, Adam & Becca.
It was taken at Adam & Jack's 16th and 15th birthday party.
This is Becca and Buddy in August of 1996.
We were camping up north in Strawberry, Arizona.
(Yes, we do have trees and woods AND SNOW in Arizona!)
This is JP right after he turned three.
This is Kim right after her first birthday.
This is our sweet little Christy Marie.
She was CJ's daughter.
She arrived to bring us joy on March 11, 1992 and
she left to play with the angels on August 6, 1994.
This is my house last Christmas.
It is one of my
favorite pictures!
This is a picture of Kacie and Michael, the day he was born.
He weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces!
Well that's my familly! Hope you enjoyed looking at them
as much as I enjoyed putting them up!
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