
Participate In This Website and Help With My Book

The Lord has placed a burden on my heart to minister to the lost and hurting in this world.
He wants me to share the same love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and healing that he has given to me. I can and will do that, but the Lord has led me further, challenging me to put that encouragment in writing and to
illustrate it with the testimonies of other people.

As the Lord led me, I began to write, never knowing how I would receive the testimonies of others. But the Lord is faithful. He has blessed me and given me this tool to reach a multitude of His people. So, I stand here in faith telling you that you are reading this message for a purpose. The Lord has given me a story to share and you have the testimony to illustrate it. It's that simple. I ask you to sacrifice a few minutes, maybe even a few hours to write out your testimony of the Lord's faithfulness. Know that you will share it for the good of others who will undoubtedly walk the footsteps of the same challenges you have faced.

You can get an idea of the project thesis by referring to the article, Our Trials: "When Hurting Doesn't Stop". Further explanation as to why I am seeking testimonies is detailed in the supplement, Submittals: Illustrating the Point. Examples of testimonies are found on the Personal Testimonies page. If after reading these articles and testimonies you still have questions, write to me!

If for any reason you feel that you are not able to write your testimony, my reply is, "Trust in the Lord" (Proverbs 3:5). I understand that there is a lot of pain involved in recalling those details. And if you have a fear about the ability to put your testimony into words, know that the concept of what you have to share is much more important than the words you use to describe it. Believe me, words of encouragement are like a salve to an open wound. They are healing to the soul. Perhaps all you want to share is a word of encouragement, a scripture of hope, or a prayer for those who are hurting. Whatever the case, please step out in faith and, for others, put your testimony of God's love and faithfulness into words. I feel that the Lord will bless you for it.

Submittals can be as simple as an email message. Longer submittals will preferably be in MS Word or Word Perfect format and submitted as an email attachment. Each submittal should pertain to some way that the Lord Jesus Christ has blessed you through the tough times, be it in regards to salvation, an illness, a divorce, a death in the family, a bout with depression, suicidal tendencies or substance abuse...whatever! You can make it into a story, a parable, a poem, a testimony, a devotional, a prayer or other form, but it must be true in every detail.

As discussed above, it is the intent of this ministry to print or paraphrase testimonies submitted for the purpose of posting on the web, or in the print media. Therefore, each submittal should contain a statement granting permission for use on the web or in publication. Submittals denying this right are still solicited for the purposes of education in this ministry! However, any copyrights and restrictions should be plainly stated. All authors should also state information as to names, nicknames or anonymity to be used with your material. Each submittal will be used in some way, whether published or not.

May the Lord Bless You.

In His Service, Gary Avey

©1997-2002 Gary D. Avey and Encouragement Ministries

Send your submittal to


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