This second picture also includes Samuel's brothers, but he is the cute one [or so he thinks sometimes]
This is a picture of Samuel with Grandpa and Grandma at the Louisville Zoo. It was a cold day in January to go to the zoo, but the best we had at the time. Graham took this picture and did very well.
Here is Samuel with his Papa and Graham reading a story.
Here is one of Samuel and his family at his birthday party at Chucky Cheeses.
This was his favorite train at Chucky Cheeses
Here are two pictures of Samuel and his Mom making his birthday cake. He wanted to do it!
Here is a sequence for his birthday of the cake and his blowing out the candles and eating it, similar to the last years one, but far more "delicately"! The first picture is showing the cake itself. It is in the shape of a football as Samuel likes all types of ball--a lot!
The second picture shows Samuel being presented with the cake with the two candles lit.
Here he is blowing out the candles
Here he is ready to eat!
Finally, here he is eating a small piece carefully!!!
Here is one of Samuel just sitting on "Grandma's Bed" -- He loved the air mattress!!
For some pictures of Samuel's first birthday and a few new ones from this Christmas visit, see Samuel'sBirthday
For earlier Samuel pictures, see July2001
. Finally for his baby pictures, please click on Baby Samuel
There are more [and newer] pictures yet to be developed, and some of Samuel with his family on Our Family
We hope you like these pictures as much as we do. Other family pictures may be found on our Family page
Links to other sites on the Web
� 2003