Samuel is in many other pictures with his brothers on their pages and on the family pages [link at bottom of page, but not yet updated]. For previous pictures of Samuel, go to Samuel2004 or Samuel2003 or at Samuel's Second Birthday site. There are a couple of other 2003 pictures on Samuel's first Birthday [2002] sites [links at bottom of page], as well.

All of the boys enjoy the Zoo and Maymont Park. Here is Samuel feeding the donkey.

This is a picture of Samuel with the goat!

Samuel is walking through the animal stalls and staying ahead of Grandpa!

Grandpa and Samuel rode the tram over the Zoo together!

At Maymont, there is a tank where you can see and touch the creatures. Here is Samuel, with Abram hiding behind him, at that tank.

Samuel does a lot of playing and working in the yard. Here he is hiding behind a tree!

Sometimes, he is very determined as shown in this marching picture.

Here he is helping Grandpa and Graham in moving a clothesline.

Sometimes, he simply has a lot to smile about!

Finally, Samuel was very into the balloon making with Grandma!

For some earlier pictures of Samuel's first birthday and a few new ones from the past [2002] Christmas visit, see


For earlier Samuel pictures, see


. Finally for his baby pictures, please click on

Baby Samuel

There are more [and newer] pictures yet to be developed, and some of Samuel with his family on

Our Family


We hope you like these pictures as much as we do.

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