This is a picture of Graham with his Uncle Buck (Mike). Graham seems to only want to play with Uncle Buck when he is around. Grandpa noted this when he was fortunate enough to visit at the end of September [No he didn't get many pictures, and none are yet ready to add to this web site!! :-(]
Here is a picture of Graham at his birthday party with his Grandmother Brandt and his Mimi (Greatgrandmother Jones) in the background. Mrs. Jones is our daughter-in-law, Joanna's grandmother, and Mrs. Brandt (Gail) is Joanna's Mom.
The next two pictures show Graham's enthusiasm, in unwrapping packages.
Here Graham is inspecting his combine that he received for his birthday.
Lastly, in this group of pictures, is a shot of Graham working on putting together his waterway.
We hope you like these pictures as much as we do. We certainly appreciate pictures when we cannot be there, as well as those in which we participate.
If you missed the pictures from this spring, when we were at the wedding, they can be found at Graham's spring pictures. If you missed the ones from last Christmas, and Graham's visit to Oregon and Grandma & Grandpa, you can find those at Graham's Christmas Pictures. Previous pictures from September of 1998, and Graham's visit to Virginia beaches, you can view at Graham's Virginia fall pictures. For our May 1998 visit with Graham in Montana, you can view those atGraham, or for More Graham Patrick click this hot link to view earlier pictures of our grandson.
For Early Graham Patrick click this hot link to view the earliest pictures of our grandson.
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