Cultural Anthropology: Understanding Ourselves & Others
Fourth Edition
Richley H. Crapo, Utah State University
Instructor's Resource Guide
MicroTest III
Anthropology Videos (to qualified adopters)
Cultural Anthropology: Understanding Ourselves & Others introduces students to the facts and theories of anthropology and places a strong emphasis on the commitment to understanding and appreciating cultural diversity.
New! Career in Anthropology boxes found throughout the text offer insights into career opportunities in anthropology.
New! Already one of the least expensive comprehensive texts on the market at $24.95 suggested student price, this new edition's built-in Student Study Guide at the end of the text provides students with more value!
Pedagogical aids include chapter outlines, learning objectives, boldfaced key terms, a running glossary and annotated list of readings.
Chapter on Social Organization and Life Cycle has been expand into two chapters (Chapters 3 & 4) to provide increased coverage of race and racial issues.
Material from the former chapter on Contemporary American Culture is now integrated throughout the text to increase emphasis on this important topic.
Narrative examples and case studies vividly illustrate many major concepts to capture students' interest and help their understanding.
Part I. The Science of Culture
1 Anthropology: A Definition
- The Breadth of Anthropology
- History of Anthropology
- Methods of Anthropological Research
- Kinds of Anthropology
- Anthropological Approaches to Explaining Culture
2 Culture
- Culture Ideology
- Cultural Differences
- Viewpoints About Culture
3 Social Organization and Biology and Culture
- Organizational Patterns
- Biological Traits and Social Statuses
4 Life Cycle
5 Gender
- Sex and Gender
- Diversity in Male and Female Roles
- Third and Fourth Genders
- Gender, Power, and Honor
- Gender and Religion
- Women's Rights as Human Rights
Part II. Adaptation, Cultural Change and Cultural Diversity
6 Environment, Adaptation, and Subsistence
- Environmental Diversity
- Biological and Cultural Adaptation
- Subsistence Adaptations and the Environment
7 Cultural Evolution and the Contemporary World
- The Process of Change
- Cultural Evolutionary Theory
- The Vanishing of the Nonstate Societies
- The Effects of Industrialization
- Peasant Cultures
- The Future of the Peasant World
Part III. Social Institutions
8 Economics
- Definition of the Economic Systems
- Production: The Control and Use of Resources
- Distribution
- Consumption
- Social Agents of Economic Control
9 Marriage and the Family
- Marriage
- Marriage Choice
- Negotiating Marriage
- Postmarital Residence
- Family
10 Kinship and Descent
- Kinship
- Descent Rules
- Descent Groups
- Kinship Terminology
- Fictive Kinship
11 Politics
- Types of Political Orders
- Gender and Politics
- Indigenous People and Politics
- Social Control: The Imposition of Order
- The Resolution of External Conflict
- The Resolution of Internal Conflict
Part IV. Ideology and Symbolism
12 Language and Culture
- Human Communication
- Nonverbal Communication
- Language
- The Structure of Language
- Linguistic Relativity
- Changes in Language
- Language Families
- Language Politics
13 Religion
- The Definition of Religion
- Ideology in Religion
- Ritual in Religion
- The Social Organization of Religion
- Religious Change
- Why Are People Religious?
14 Culture and Personality
- Psychological Anthropology
- Personality
- Inadequate
- Role Playing
- Cultural Shaping of Altered States of Consciousness
- Mental Disorders and Culture
- Causes of Mental Disorders
15 Aesthetics and Culture
- The Relativity of Aesthetics
- The Aesthetic Experience and Expressive Culture
- Art Forms
- The Functions of Art
1996/paper/464 pages/ISBN 31021/1-56134-447-8
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