Who Am I?

I received my PhD. in cultural anthropology from the University of Utah in 1970 and have been employed at Utah State University ever since. I carried out my dissertation fieldwork, a study of language use by Shoshone Indians, on the Duckwater Reservation near Ely, Nevada. I subsequently published the definitive dictionary of the Big Smokey Valley dialect of Shoshone through the University of Nevada Press. My interest in Native American languages has not flagged, and I have published books on Spoken Bolivian Quechua (2 Vols., Karoma Press) and have just completed an English translation of a late sixteenth century Classical Aztec manuscript titled Anonimo Mexicano. I am also the author of an introductory anthropology text titled Cultural Anthropology: Understanding Ourselves and Others and the coauthor of Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Introductory Psychology. My most recent book is Anthropology of Religion: The Unity and Diversity of Religions (McGraw-Hill, 2003.


Hobbies and Interests

My hobbies and interests are four: Dao Shin Kwan Karate (I have a Brown Belt in this Taiwanese Soft School), Weight Lifting, Gold Prospecting (I pay for my gas and food, which is better than most fishermen do.), and Family History and Genealogy (I've documented 12,500 ancestors and collateral relatives so far.).

A Good Day's Work!

I'm just getting started, so expect more here in the future.

Email me at rcrapo@wpo.hass.usu.edu

Link to my professional web page at Utah State University

Or view the Crapo Family International Website

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