Hi my name is Carol and thanks for coming in and stoping by.
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My husband Bill and I have lived here in the state of Texas for almost 10 years. When we moved here from Nebraska, we lived down near Galveston. Due to our jobs we moved a little north of Houston in 1991.
Bill and I got married in Aug 88. Together we have 2 sons. Bill 2nd is now 23 years old and has given us a beautiful little granddaughter who turned 2 in April. Chris is now 14 1/2 years old, loves to play soccer and is a typical teenager.
I have been on the internet since April of 1996. I think the Internet is Great! You can learn something new everyday, be it a hobby or game, to legal or medical information. There is something for everyone. I have been known to get on the computer (internet)
and stay on for 2 to 4 hours a day. My husband is always telling me, "You are addicted to the Internet and I am a computer widower.
Bill and I both enjoy doing home improvements on our house. When we purchased our home almost 5 years ago we knew then we could do a lot of changes over time, both inside and out. We both do a lot of reading from the magazine
Family Handyman and from the books from Time Life. We have learned a lot from them and from watching the home improvement shows on T.V.
During our first year in the house, we really didn't do any major projects (recovering from the purchase). The front yard has gone through the biggest change.
There were no flowers or flowerbeds any where. Now there are 5 flowerbeds and 2 gazebos. Now that I have the front yard the way I want it, we have finally started on the backyard this year. Our first project started out small to medium but turned into a rather large project. The work was hard but it has turned out nice.
I do come from a large family. I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters. I have 3 nieces, 4 nephews and 1 great nephew and a second great nephew on the way due in Aug. The hard part is, we are all spread out across the states and we don't get to
see each other that often. Thanks to the internet we can at least write to each other on a daily basis. I now have just about everyone of my brothers and sisters on internet and our mom has joined us too.
I enjoy working on the computer, woodworking, gardening, needle work, and other crafts. Most of the needlework and crafts that I do, I give to family. To me, if you give a gift that you made,
it has more meaning.
I do have to give special thanks to Pam and Steve. They have helped me in many ways to get this homepage going. Thanks you two.
You are visitor
since 26 May 98. I started my page on 27 Jan 97. Due to having a problem with my counter, I had to start all over again. I am still under construction, so please stop by again soon.
Please e mail me and let me know how I am doing on my page.
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