![]() |
- 10/23/00 05:16:07
hello dave!
just out messin' around, and went thru my fav's list, and wondered if this site was still here.
hows the job hunt goin'?
Hey, by the way, my dad has been laid off numerous times, and has 'networked' fairly extensively, if you ever wanted to pick his brain about anything, im sure he'd help.
RETIRE dave.
Take care and good luck!
susan stewart - 10/07/00 00:51:31
thanks for the imfo
neschy - 06/03/00 03:53:16
My Email:yurimaru00@hotmail.com
jus wanted to say hi
Tami, your niece - 04/09/00 02:51:37
My Email:Tamantha7@yahoo.com
Hi! Ric, Mom, and I are just checking out your site. We really enjoyed the pictures{where did you get that picture of Grandpa Stockwell????} I have my mom set up on freei, but she has no clue what she is doing! I am in Florida right now {Apr. 8}, but am l
aving for home in the morning. Talk to you later, we are going to try to E-mail you now.
Joe Crossan - 03/27/00 13:26:46
My Email:joecrossan@juno.com
Hi Dave, Quick look ID is JC100003. Say HI to all the guys in St. Paul. I'm Located in The Washington DC area. Will send some old comten info as soon as I dig it up. Joe
Lori - 03/16/00 01:21:02
My Email:lorigirl16@yahoo.com
Cute site! I just thought I would see what was new. Why do you still have a X-Mas greetings????
Diana - 02/11/00 13:33:18
My Email:fmichalek@cmsinter.net
This site was recommended by many friends,
thank you.
Wanted to know what happens when you spill water on your computer.
last year, I spilled coffee on the keyboard and had to replace it.
john p - 01/26/00 00:31:15
My URL:http://www.home.earthlink.net/~johnjule/index.html
My Email:johnjule@earthlink.net
hi dave, just getting you added into my favorites
Yvonne - 11/29/99 00:08:22
My Email:mjb109@gateway.net
Hi Dave! Yvonne and I have really enjoyed your Web site and all the great photos. Thank you very much for the instructions because I'm really new to computer operations! Yvonne has a new collection of computer books to study and she will be in the top of
the class very soon. Please e-mail her at the above address anytime. bye Yvonne and Madeline Yvonne is encouraged, if I can do it she can do it real soon! bye!
yvonne haskett - 10/22/99 19:13:54
hi dave! Trying out computers!
jeff lee - 08/27/99 19:19:38
My Email:frieddog@gateway.net
I didn't realize you were on the Swifts'. In retrospect the sorry-ass carrier I was on looks better all the time.
kay and gary - 08/26/99 05:47:45
My Email:kayc_1951@yahoo.com
Hi Dave! I really like your web page. It took me long enough to get to it. I really enjoyed the pictures, especially the one with the guy with all the dark HAIR! Was that really you? Looks like you were partyin' pretty hardy! I'll be back again for u
dates. Couldn't get the picture of the car to download on the hot java. Thought you said there was a picture of you and Pat too? See you soon. Kay
Bob Bourinski - 04/23/99 18:21:07
My Email:brandon@blazenet.net
You still around? You also still have a plaid page! Say Hi to Charlie Brown if he is still there...
- 03/29/99 02:43:20
Leo - 03/29/99 02:42:18
My Email:leo,stone@washingtondc.ncr.com
Hi Dave,
Now I know what you look like since my machine didn't hang this time..... You don't look like a rabid Scotsman at all...... Nice work on your page... I'll explore further on a subsequent visit..... All the best.... Thanks all for your Comten help....
- 02/20/99 00:29:02
Mike Foley - 01/05/99 02:43:35
My Email:foley@pathwaynet.com
God, what a surprise I thought I was the only person with pictures of the WestEnd school. Yea that was my grandma and I did see Bing Brahman, and I think Bill Steere. When I get more time I will try and figure out the rest. I see Randy and Linda all the t
me and will share your great page with them as soon as they are over. We have met but it was such along time ago. Everyone in Crystal is fine and Scott just north of me is still full of shi. If you want to chat some day feel free. I can'
beleave this find, I will share with my sisters. Take care and great site. MIKE FOLEY
- 01/02/99 17:18:25
Henry Snyder - 01/02/99 13:35:37
My Email:henry.snyder@StPaulMN.NCR.com
Hi Dave, Not like you're not going to see me in the near future, but I thought I'd give you a new years greeting anyway. Page looks great, thanks for the tips on doing frames. See ya.
Doug Reynolds - 01/01/99 18:19:48
My Email:HREYNOLD@aol.com
Dave,what a great page. Looked at the comsta picture and I remember some of the faces but the names just aren't there anymore,just you, Andy, and Carl (oops NICK).
10/03/98 22:57:27
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Doug Bredbenner (ex-NCR/COMTEN) - 09/30/98 02:42:42
My Email:dbredben@mail.win.org
Hi Dave,
How have things been in the "Great White North"? I have been pretty busy since leaving NCR. I have been around all over the world with my new job. What an experience it has been. Will have to call and talk if you have time! Web site is growing and st
ll very interesting. Tell the guys in St Paul I said Hi.
James Tackett - 09/24/98 02:58:44
My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/james_tackett
My Email:James_Tackett@compuserve.com
Continues to be a Great Web Page. Thanks for all your help with the Comtens.
Kenny Ching - 08/08/98 05:36:51
My Email:casey4one@aol.com
Hey Dave,
I finally checked in.Pretty neat stuff, but some
sites could not be contacted, like NCR intranet
I don't know why, any Ideas?
Kenny Ching
Casey Durnil - 06/04/98 18:11:23
My URL:http://members.aol.com/DurnilW/innerear.index.html
My Email:linrud1@Juno.com or durnilw@aol.com
Dave how you doin? Hey do you know where I can download a viewer for jpeg and other graphics. When I am on-line I can do that via AOL, but I use to have one that I could use off-line. That one I downloaded from Compuserv, but it got trashed when I chan
ed computers. Any suggestions? Also the graphics that I do get on-line appear grainy. How can I improve that. I know it can be done, but I can't remeber how. Again, any suggestions?
Casey Durnil - 06/02/98 00:08:30
My Email:linrud1@juno.com
It took me forever to get back on-line, but the minute I was able to pull up the web, this is where I came. Nice site, dude!
If anyone wants to talk to a hearing impaired moron send me an E-Mail, a WWW site is being developed soon!
Mike Tatti - 05/12/98 17:39:18
My Email:mike.tatti@detroitmi.ncr.com
Hello there Dave;
Finally made it over here.
NeScHy - 05/12/98 08:06:36
My URL:http://www.disa.mil/DISN/disnhome.html
My Email:NeScHy
"I DoN't WaNNa GroW uP DaVe,I'm A ToyZ ArE Us KiD"
Jeremy Lewandowski - 04/23/98 07:24:35
My Email:Radkralle@aol.com
i finally made it to your page!
ellen weber - 04/10/98 12:48:16
My Email:joeellen@earthlink.net
that is some bright plaid dave.....
steve - 04/08/98 13:51:11
My Email:gislordmailexcite.com
hey dave this is really kool you gotta show me how you did this i would like to try one myself thanks see ya at work steve security.
Nick Said - 03/16/98 20:13:28
My Email:Nsaid67@AOL.com
Good hearing from you this weekend. E-mail a photo of the new mean machine to me if you get a chance.
All the best,
Jim Mauer - 03/06/98 05:21:49
My Email:mauerj@worldnet.att.net
Well, Dave you were right, that wall paper is LOUD. A very nice page. I'll check back from time to time, I'm sure it's a wip. Thanks for the invite and help.
Doug (St. Louis C10) - 01/27/98 04:09:51
My Email:dbredben@mail.win.org
Hey Dave,
Just checking the neighborhood out. No news from here is good news, right! Mike Turner quit NCR and started with CPI this week. Only one original COMTEN guy remains in Saint Louie, "That Be ME!" See ya..
byhoffer - 01/23/98 02:20:54
My Email:steveb@pclink.com
Hey David!!
Finally got out here!!
Merritt Bongard - 01/03/98 03:34:35
My Email:bongard@carrinter.net
Merritt has been looking for your address and I finally found it again after changing browsers. My name is Steve Potter(Dave Leppiens son-in-law)
but thought you might recognize his name easier.
Nice home page! Merritt just got on line and has aforementioned address. Hope this finds you and your family well, please E-mail me at
spotter@t-one.net if you can't get hold of him or
his tx# is 616-757-3091.
Eileen - 12/17/97 18:27:45
My Email:snydere@amclyde.com
Hi Dave! Tried to look at the Christmas Greeting from your homepage but it goes right to Geocities! Also got a Java Script error. Probably a user error (THIS user!). Have a great Christmas, from all of us Snyders!
Doug (Saint Louis) - 11/13/97 04:53:06
My Email:dbredben@mail.win.org
So thats what Dave Stewart looks like. Fixed some real tuff COMTEN problems with your help over the years, but always over the phone lines. Never met in person so I guess your picture will be as close as it gets. Nice web page. I'll be checking it ou
from now on.
Bob Bourinski - 10/29/97 22:50:33
My Email:brandon@blazenet.net
I would have thought by now that this silly plaid page would be changed to something easier on my eyes!!!!!!
DEMON SEED - 10/29/97 19:39:07
My Email:demonseed@ThA,dAmeD.HaT1es.com
thurs. 3:00p.m
NeScHy - 09/25/97 17:02:05
My Email:neschy@brigadoon.com
"phreak!,the phantom phreak...king of nynex...I know you play the game" Love your links Dave!
staple nose - 08/28/97 20:58:34
My URL:http://hell.com
POP waz-up give me a call when you get this.
life is uneventfull and Ive gotta make this short so Ill talk at ya later
ya son
your son - 08/25/97 20:59:26
Hi Pop, no time to chat but will be back soon. The new phone number is XXX-XXX-XXXX. See ya.
sue - 08/11/97 16:30:32
Hope you had a good time at the Blues. I sure did. Someday -maybe- I will get the hang of this and like it. Right now it makes me feel sort of dumb. Hope you have a safe trip home. Bye for now, love Sue
don't ask - 08/08/97 00:03:55
You will be home by the time you get this. Hope you had a good time. Will surprise you later. I
might have figured this out. Don't hold your breath. Nasty words to follow...........
Jessey - 07/25/97 17:52:42
My URL:/enchantedforest/dell/9721
My Email:mn-babe@geocities.com
Hi Dave!
Thanks for the card, and your other email. None of my home page would be the way it is if you hadn't taken the time to help me.
Thanks a lot!!
tlyons - 07/24/97 14:47:40
Dave, your passion for this w3 magic is only exceeded by your good taste for friends and your positive attitude toward your profession. Let's simonize our watches and do lunch next week. I know you like watermellon but remember, it makes your ears wet.
Eileen Snyder - 07/22/97 17:30:05
My Email:snydere@amclyde.com
Hi Dave,
Just thought I'd send a note to let you know I got through,
however, the graphics on my display are pretty bad so your
picture doesn't look as clear as it does on your monitor.
Thanks again for letting us use the kneeboard - - we'll have
to remember to give it back soon!!!
Eileen S.
Michele - 07/16/97 16:29:11
Yo!!!Great page!! See you at the Blues Fest....
BTT - 07/16/97 14:00:25
My Email:you@knowit
Nice touch but who's that goon on the big button in the corner?
- 07/16/97 13:55:44
hey dave nice page.
Dave - 07/15/97 23:20:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/4369
My Email:dave.stewart@stpaulmn.ncr.com
This is a test of my Guest Book. It is intended as a test, only a test, nothing more than a test! So help me! Honest!