STEWART Photo Album - Family

I hope that you enjoy the pictures that I have included in this album. I will update often, so please check back again!

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Florida Sunset

Tami, Mike, Yvonne, Cal

Dave, Sue, Carl, Kris
Taken by Cal at Ft.Myers.
At Lexington, SC house 1978.
Myrtle Beach, SC
Plantation Restaurant.


Alexa, Alicia, Ashleigh

My Son Mike
At 3 yrs. old.
The Z triplets
A chip off the old block.

Cindy, Steve

Alicia, Ashleigh, Alexa

Mom & Dad of the Z girls.
The Z triplets again.
At 3 1/2 months.


Ben, Eric

Anthony, Dan, Lori, Ryan
At about 3 yrs. old.
The Z boys in 1994
The good lookin' "G's".

Z28 Camaro

1964 CorrectCraft

My Mother's Father

An 1890's tin photo.
Me and my Z.
The "Ski Antique"
My Grandfather

US Naval
Communication Station

Naha, Okinawa

USS Embattle


Swift Boat

are comin'
The Plank Holders.
Ocean going mine sweeper
we caused such a fright!.

West End School

Crystal, Michigan K-8

West End School

Two Rooms Now!
I'm 2nd from left, in front.
I'm on right of 3rd row.
"The BIG Third Grader"

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