Well, the parents are off on another gambling adventure for the day. Let’s hope they bring back something good! A few weeks ago they went with Chris and me to the Titanic exhibit that is in town for the next few months. We all loved it and spend more time in it than most people are expected to!
Big Brother is still going on and has our attention! We are very excited to see who is going home next, and who is winning what competition! We are down to about the last 6 people and this is where it gets intense!
Honey and Cocoa seem to getting along, we have even caught them cuddling! I think they like each other but they are still having their moments when one of them needs to be locked up! I am planning on getting a collar for Cocoa soon because she is silent when she is walking around and then all of the sudden BAM!!! She’s right there at your feet and you have barely enough time to react and not step on her! The collar is not just for her safety but our sanity as well!
Chris and I celebrated our having dated for 2 years not to long ago. We bought a Wii for each other and now we can't stop playing! Bowling is my game but I think he has me on tennis! Unfortunately I had to work for part of that day, but we got right back to bowling afterwards. We think the cow game is funny and the fishing game takes some skill, but I am not a fan of golf! I got mom and dad to play, mom liked the cow game, and I think I got dad so tired that he might never play again! LOL
Well, school has started, it’s not that bad. I have two classes right in a row that like calling on everyone and making everyone feel uncomfortable. My public speaking teacher isn't a good public speaker and another of my classes is something I can do all online if I want to. I'm still working at the country club at the front desk, and I have just recently started my duties as assistant catering director. My main goal in that is to promote the club so people will want to have more celebrations in our banquet space! In January there will be a bridal show in town and my boss would like me to do everything for our promotion there too!
Well those are our stories for the month, let’s hope this weather stays nice and we have many more to come!
The parents are celebrating their wedding anniversary on August 2nd, nothing big apparently as they just had to replace their air conditioner and furnace.
Bronco season is coming on strong with Bronco stands up at King Soopers selling everything my dad could possibly ever want. There are Bronco updates every night on the news and my dad has been through a magazine about it from cover to cover.
Mom has given in and is watching the live feed for Big Brother 8. Every year we think we won't get into the show as much as last year and we won't watch it every chance we get. However, every year we seem to watch it more and get even farther into it then before. This show has been the main topic of discussion for our family to the point where we are strategizing and commenting about these people for hours on end. No, this is not our obsession; it is just our way of life for about 3 months.
Lucky Buddy is still alive! I know hard to believe, but I have kept one alive and he is doing well by himself. I haven't tried getting him a girlfriend yet because I think I am fine with just him at the moment. He is a pretty shade of pink and goes well with the bathroom so I really can't tempt fate with my color choices.
Cinnamon and Chloe are doing well and love to make trouble. For 2 cats that really don't seem to like each other they really do make a fuss together. I think they secretly like each other and it's all an act for the humans.
Honey is doing well, still getting into trouble as well but still as cute as can be! She has seemed kind of sad lately when she is all left alone so she might be getting a new sister. After much consideration, she may not be lonely anymore! (It is not completely for sure yet but I will describe her to you.) The new little kitten is a girl, long hair, Siamese cutie pie. Her name would be Cocoa, and she is just the cutest ball of fluff you have ever seen. (More on the decision later!)
Which bring me to Chris; he is doing well and also very excited about Bronco season! He is still working a lot and now getting ready for his week long vacation that is coming up later this month. I think he plans to sleep. Other then that, we are planning on going to do more site seeing around Colorado, and to see the Titanic exhibit which is in Denver at the moment!
Last but not least is me! I am finally done with TJMaxx and only working there once a month now, which is something that I have been waiting on for a while! The Country Club has offered me a position as the Assistant Catering Director, and that is why I'm not doing TJMaxx anymore! They are very excited for me to be doing this and I could not be happier. They really seem to like me and would like to see me with them for years to come. Summer school is over now and I have done well with those classes! Only a few weeks until the fall begins and I'm glad because it will be nice having a little time away, just enough for me to want to get right back into things!
Well I believe that is enough for now, so go out and catch some rays before fall has taken over!
The parents left for Texas that evening to go play Pokeno. (Pokeno is a version of bingo with playing cards and you win gifts.) Let's hope they win something good! On the other hand, let's hope they win something that they can give to me! LOL, just joking, I am going to have my own Pokeno party sometime late July, with my friends. I can even see the duct tape wars now!
I have bad news about the fish, we have now lost Sweetie, and I believe Lucky won their battle. No more new fish for me, I would rather see Lucky's fins grow back and be happy.
My mom had her ?? birthday and my dad got tickets for all of us to go see Cirque Du Soliel's Corteo. It was very exciting, and we came away with a lot of souvenirs. It was unlike many of their other shows, which made it all the more exciting!
I went with Chris and his brother and sister to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. We loved it and were amazed at how close you can to some of the animals. My favorite was the lions, and I believe the monkeys were a favorite for everyone. In the end, we also came home with a few souvenirs and a fun experience.
Well that is our summer so far, stay cool in the heat!!
The sun is finally shining after all of those rain storms last month. The pools are opening this weekend, so hopefully I can work on that summer tan, or a burn for the week. School is about to start for me again, yes I am taking some classes over the summer. If I weren't I would never be done. Still working both jobs and busier then ever. Chris is doing well and working almost every day, it seems.
All of the pets are doing well. Honey got really scared of a thunderstorm the other day and decided to hide in the bathroom. Still have Cinnamon and Chloe, they pretend to bathe each other and then end up in a fight.
As in the fish department, we have had a tragedy this month. Buddy, the male betta fish that has escaped death twice, learned that third time is not a charm and passed away the other day. Poor Sweetie tried pulling at his tail to help him up but he wouldn't move. Unfortunately it was his time for a burial at sea. Ever since, Sweetie's fins have been lower, and she has not been zipping around like she normally does.
My friend Skylar then took a trip with me to the local pet store to buy Sweetie a new boyfriend. She almost got a crab or a frog but in the end we picked a good looking betta fish to become Buddy the second. He is a bright metallic fish with red, purple, and pink all over him. Now the only problem was a new name, it was hard to think of not having Buddy, so we went through, Buddy, the undead version, Buddy Take Two, but in the end his name become Lucky Buddy. Lucky being the first name and Buddy being the second. Sweetie seemed to perk up when she met him, and he had no idea what he was getting himself into. So far, they have not killed each other so this will have to be continued.
More later, gotta go catch some pool time!
We shall start with my Mom, still doing her knitting more than ever now. She is now in love with a show called "The Deadliest Catch," and I have gotten her to become a Gilmore Girl fan. She is also still located on the computer late at night playing her bingo games with her friends occasionally. One more month until her birthday and she is already starting to snoop around. Wait until it gets to be my birthday and then she will hate people snooping around!
My dad has also been busy lately, we put him on our own version of "What Not to Wear." Now there are no more jeans with holes around, or miss-matched ties to every suit. He is wearing more modern colors and everyday is not a suit day anymore. He is still watching the Broncos, whenever they are on and he is not catching some of the latest movies that have just come out. Last but not least, he is also trying to get my Mom to go gambling with him at least once a month, even though she gets more rewards then he does.
I have many new things going on, one of which is school, full time. Lots of it, with four classes and only two days a week. Finals are coming up, and then summer school will start in two weeks. I have declared a Hotel Administration major and a general business minor. My next activity would be work, in the mornings I do the cash office for TJMAXX and in the afternoons I am at the front desk at a Country Club. No, I do not have a lot of time for many other things, but I do get my occasional days where I get to sleep in, and we all know how important that is for me. I still do my knitting when I get a chance and I am always catching the weirdest stuff on TV.
Chris is the latest boyfriend, going on almost two years now. He is better than any of the past boyfriends and is even about to be the manager of a car stereo store. Pictures of us were handed out for Christmas and everyone loved them. For our one year, I blew up 365 balloons for him, (one for every day we had been together, and yes people looked at me funny when I drove by) and put the all over, he got the day off and took me to have a picnic, take the pictures, and have a lovely dinner.
In the cat department, we now have Cinnamon and Chloe. Cinnamon being a black, speckled kind of color call Tortie, is very skittish and jumps if the slightest little noise is made. Chloe on the other hand is mostly black with a white belly, and when I say belly, I mean belly. She is probably the fattest cat we have ever had, who will only be held under her conditions. She is also the most adorable out of the two because she loves to roll onto her back and lay there as cute as can be with that white belly showing. She does this for hours and could not be more comfortable.
Now I do have another cat, which I picked out to live at Chris's place. Her name is Honey and she is a gorgeous calico kitten. She is very hyper and loves to get in trouble. She has gotten toy after toy from us and either destroys them or loses them under the couch, refrigerator or anywhere else they can fit. Even though she a little spasmodic, I am always able to catch her and calm her down. She does have a very soft side to her, when she is sleeping, and will lay on me for hours.
Now onto the fish, I met Skyler when I was up at CSU and over the year she had bought a fish, at the end of the year, she did not want it anymore and was about to flush it. I jumped into the rescue and decided to take it home with me. His name is now Buddy and he is a betta fish, he has many beautiful colors and loves to jump out of the water and flop onto the floor. This is where Mom comes in and saves the day for Buddy and scoops him up with her bare hands and puts him back in the water. I could not do that because he is slimy, oh well, so he came close to death twice. After that my parents bought him a bigger fish tank and a girlfriend, another betta named Sweetie. She is smaller and he has no idea what to think of her so the fish story will have to be continued....
In the end we are all doing well and now have more animals than humans, but it is OK because two are in a tank. Please stay tuned for next months exciting adventures!