Some of Our Favorite Links

Saddleback Church
This is our Church Home's web site. Saddleback Church is a purpose-driven church. This means that we strive to focus on the God given purposes for the church as clearly revealed by Jesus. As you walk in the front door of our worship building, you can see these 5 purposes etched in the glass wall: Membership (developing relationships), Maturity (spiritual growth), Ministry (giving back in service), Mission (sharing the good news) and Magnification (worshiping God.) These purposes meet the deepest needs that we all have. Membership gives me people to live with, Maturity gives me principles to live by, Ministry gives me a profession to live out, Mission gives me a purpose to live for and Magnification gives me a power to live on.

AOL Instant Messenging
GET THIS PROGRAM! It allows you to know when other registered users (AOL members and Internet users with this program) are online; and to send instant messages back and forth!
(Note: If you are already an America On Line user, contact me for my "AOL screen name" to add to your buddy list)

How to keep an idiot busy
Kinda speaks for itself
A great family site with links to everything Disney

More links to come

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