TinRib's Cookie Sheet

Oftentimes when we're having a wet, rainy day
(very often here in Seattle), or a snowy one,
one of my boys will say "it's a good day to bake cookies Mom."
It's a favorite hobby of mine, so I've collected a good variety of cookie recipes over the years.
And this seemed like a good place to share them with you!
Hope you enjoy them.

Pillsbury DoughBoy....Hands OFF! These recipes are not for you!

Recipes on File Today

  • Sour Cream Sugar Cookies
  • Swedish Cream Wafers
  • Chocolate Chippers
  • Spritz Cookies
  • Overnite Oatmeal Cookies
  • Cookie Sheet Two!
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  • Sour Cream Sugar Cookies - Grandpa Owen's Favorite

    4 cups flour
    1 tsp. baking soda
    1 tsp. baking powder
    1 cup shortening
    1-3/4 cups sugar
    1/2 tsp. salt
    1 cup commercial sour cream
    2 eggs
    1 tsp. vanilla

    Cream shortening, add sugar and mix well. Add salt, vanilla and unbeaten eggs.
    Beat well. Add sour cream alternately with the dry ingredients. Chill at least
    one hour or overnight. Roll out dough and cut with floured cookie cutters.
    Place on greased cookie sheets. Sprinkle with colored sugars if desired.
    Bake @ 375 degrees for approximately 8-10 minutes.

    I prefer to bake plain and frost with a butter cream frosting and then add sprinkles.
    I try to make these thick and soft, so I take them out before they start to get brown.

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  • Swedish Cream Wafers

    1 cup butter
    1/3 cup whipping cream
    2 cups flour

    Mix butter, cream and flour thoroughly. Chill one hour.
    Heat oven to 375 degrees. Roll dough 1/8" thick on lightly
    floured board. Cut into 1-1/2" rounds. Transfer to waxed
    paper heavily sprinkled with sugar, turning to coat both
    sides. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Prick 4 times with
    fork. Bake 7 to 9 minutes of until slightly puffy. Do Not Brown!
    Put two cooled cookies together with filling.

    Creamy Butter Filling
    Blend 1/4 cup soft butter, 3/4 cup powdered sugar, 1 egg yolk,
    1 tsp. vanilla. Tint pastel shades with food coloring,
    if desired. These cookies must be refrigerated.

    Makes about 5 dozen.

    Tip: I like to make the cookies ahead and store (unfilled)
    in the freezer. If you prefer not to have to refrigerate
    these cookies after filling, leave the egg yolk out!

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  • Chocolate Chippers

    2 cups Crisco shortening
    1 cup white sugar
    2 cups packed brown sugar (I use a whole 1# box)
    4 eggs
    4 tsp. vanilla
    4-1/2 cups flour
    3 tsp. salt
    2 tsp. baking soda
    24 oz. bag Nestle's chocolate chips

    Cream sugars and shortening. Add eggs, beat 'til light and fluffy.
    Stir in vanilla. Stir in half the flour and all the salt and soda.
    Add remaining flour. Mix well. Finally stir in the chocolate chips.
    Bake @ 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

    My family likes their cookies soft and chewy, so I usually take the cookies
    out a little early. The original Chocolate Chipper recipe that this
    adaptation comes from was given to me by my sister-in-law, Connie,
    who got it from a cousin, who....

    Another tip: I ONLY use regular Crisco shortening (no butter flavor)
    and ONLY Nestle's chocolate chips. It really makes a difference!

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  • Spritz Cookies

    Cream together:
    1 lb. Butter ( I do use margarine)
    1-1/2 cups sugar

    2 eggs
    1 tsp. Almond
    1 tsp. Vanilla

    Sift together and add to the above mixture:
    5 cups flour
    1 tsp. Baking powder
    ¼ tsp. Salt

    Tint as desired - use in cookie press.
    Bake @ 350 degrees for about 7-8 minutes. (very lightly browned on the edges)

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  • Overnite Oatmeal Cookies

    1 cup shortening
    1 cup brown sugar
    1 cup white sugar
    2 eggs
    1-1/2 cups flour
    1 tsp. Soda
    1 tsp. Salt
    3 cups oatmeal (I use old fashioned oats)
    2 tsp. Vanilla
    (optional 2 tsp. Cinnamon)

    Mix ingredients in order. Refrigerate overnight or several hours.
    Make into small balls and press down with a fork on greased cookie sheets.
    May be molded and sliced.
    Bake @ 375 degrees until slightly brown on the edges.

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