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In Memory of My Son



This picture is of Chad and his three year old son, Garett Harley Owens. Chad, born April 5, 1972 died at a young age. He was not quite 25 years old when he died in an automobile accident with a friend of about the same age.

The following are some memories and writings from people that Chad Keith Owens touched in his short life with us here. If you knew Chad and would like to add to this HomePage please contact me at:

Keith Owens

Chad may have only been here a short time but he made a big impact on many. He was a father, husband, son, and friend to many people.

Some of the People Chad Touched

Other Owens Family Links

The Owens Family Genealogy Outline

This is the poem written by Marcia Owens for her son Garett. "We will play again someday Daddy" is engraved on the head stone. Garett didn't have a chance to know his father, but he has many people who have memories and pictures that will be shared with Garett so that he might remember the father who loved him so much.



We will play again someday daddy. You have to go for now but you will be with me in spirit, heart, and mind. I know you will be right there with me from learning to ride my bike, playing catch, my first day of school, graduating, marriage, and someday children of my own. You will shine bright throughout my life just as the stars shine bright throughout the seasons of life. Your memory will always be vivid. We will play again someday daddy. --Love Garett--


Chad had many friends, but there was a tight group that was like the "Musketeers", but more than three. His friendships started early in life as he had many activities, from Little League Baseball to college roommates. This picture was taken the day of his wedding to Marcia. The place was Silver Dollar City, near Branson, MO. The wedding was in the Wilderness Church and the attire was an early western with the boys"dressed to kill" These fellows were and still are a close bunch.

This is a picture of the day Chad and Marcia were married. Tin type pictures like in the old days were taken of the families and friends. The guys and gals of the wedding party had their pictures taken in "Long Rider" attire in front of the train at the depot, the gals were dressed as saloon women.

This is a picture of the grooms father, brother-in-law, (front row) niece, step-mother, and step-sister. Again the attire was early 1900.

This picture is Chad's grandmother and grandfather on his mother's side. Jewell, his grandmother died just previous to Chad. It was a great loss to Chad. They were very close. His mother said at the funeral that she was preparing biscuits and gravy for him in heaven and they were together again.


Memories of Chad's First Deerhunt

Click Here To Read Story


have visited this memorial cite for Chad Keith Owens.

His parents thank you very much.

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This page was created by Keith Owens --1997 PC-Help! Ozark, MO
You can reach me by e-mail at:

Keith Owens

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