Welcome to
My Angel Page
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Angels are the guardians
of hope and wonder,
the keepers of magic and dreams.
Beleive in miracles;
they do happen.
I have always been fascinated
I have a Guardian Angel.
with Angels since I was a child.
I have not seen it, but, I
know it's there Guiding
and Protecting me.
Since I can remember, in my family
there has always been a deep belief
and love for Angels.
In church we speak of angels,
my grandmother has always called
all of her children, grandchildren,
and great grandchildren,"Little Angels"
and my mother has collections
of Angel Art throughout her home.
So, I have always been in awe
of angels and their powers
to aid God in protecting us.
Did you ever have
one of those kind of days,
but then you had this
feeling that everything
would be alright ,and it was.
Your Angel was probly there with you!
"I am with you always"
Mathew 28:20
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It is believed that God created the angels
before he created The Beginning.
and they were created
to live forever.
Job 38:1,4
"In the dawn of that day the
Job 38:7
stars sang together,and
the heavenly beings
shouted for joy."
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Angels means Messengers.
They are Gods messengers.
He has given them freewill
to love and adore him.
They were also given some very important tasks.
To protect the Kingdom of heaven,
to send out warnings from God,
to protect us from harm and
the most important task is
to lead us to Jesus and to glorify God.
"For he will command his Angels
concerning you to guard you
in all your ways."
Psalms 91:11
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God can send his angels in many different forms,
"Do not forget to entertain strangers
even to look like a human being.
for by doing so
people have entertained angels
without knowing it".
Hebrews 13:2
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Throughout scripture Angels never draw
attention to themselves.
They always point to the Lord
who sent them.
"You must not( worship me)!
I am a fellow servant with you
and your commrades who
hold testimony of Jesus
Worship God!"
Rev.19:10 22:9
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"....and how when we cried to the Lord,
he heard our cry and
sent an Angel...."
Numbers 20:16
"And he shall send his Angels
with a great sound
of a trumpet."
Mathew 24:31
"Are not all angels ministering spirits
sent to serve those who will
inherit salvation?"
Hebrews 1:14
"We are , each of us ,
Angels with one wing
and we can only fly
by embracing one another".
Lucian de Crescenzo
Angel of God,my guardian dear
(traditional Catholic Prayer)
To whom God,s love commits me here;
Ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard , to rule and guide.
The Prayer of St.Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury,pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness,light ; and
Where there is sadness, joy.
Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born
to eternal life.
The Dove of Peace flies from site to site,
through many countries as possible.
It does not belong to any belief system.
Please help make it a line across the globe
by taking it with you to your site,
by giving it to someone for their site,
by passing it on to another continent,
or to the conflict areas in the world.......
Whisper of Angel Wings
Today I stumbled and once again
was lifted up by an unseen hand.
What comfort and joy that knowledge brings,
For I hear the whisper of Angel Wings.
The Guardian Angels God sends
to us all to bear us up
when we stumble and fall.
Trust him,my friend,and
often you will hear
The Whisper of Angel Wings.
hovering near.
Author unknown
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I got my animated Angels
Angelwinks postcard shop
The Guardian Angel pictures are
and Midi from
copyrighted from
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