After two-and-a-half years on WebTV, I am shutting my box down. I enjoyed my WebTV, and I'm glad that I learned to build webpages on it, as I feel I had to learn a lot more to do so. I'm proud of my start on WebTV, but it's time to move on. I will always be grateful to WebTV, and will continue to pay that gratitude back by helping the WebTV community. I still have resources to draw on for current situations, and will do what I can to help any WebTV'er who contacts me.
I obtained my computer thru FreePC, a program that is no longer running. Thank you FreePC for my own machine! :-)
Although I am no longer a GeoCities Community Leader, I will still strive to help anyone who contacts me for help within the Yahoo! GeoCities community. I am leaving my CL section intact, with just a few changes. I hope whoever happens to fall upon my site looking for help can still obtain what they need. If not, please E-mail me.