Excellent Choice!

You can now order many of these books, at a discounted price, from
Amazon.com, the Earths largest bookstore! To order, simply
click on the highlighted title.
Relaxing, Humorous, Whimsical Reading:
"Cat Angels"-First class, a book filled with
great quotations, put out by Harper Pub., an example
is on my Front Page.
"Cat Love Letters"-by Leigh W. Ruttledge. This book,
as it says on the cover, is "Collected Correspondence Of Cats In Love."
Published by Penguin Books USA, this book is outragously clever, a
must for every cat lover!
"The Quotable Feline"-by Jim Dratfield & Paul Coughlin.
A collection of quotations from notable people, and beautiful
photographs of felines looking like they posed for that pages quote.
Take a look at page 55, a Mason look-a-like, no doubt!
"The Cats' House"-by Bob Walker, is an incredible
book, that proves what cat lovers will do for their pets. This
book is full of pictures of Frances & Bob Walkers home, which
they turned into a true cat play-palace.
"Meow-Mories"-by Julia Willis, illustrated by Chris
Suddick. What is it? Meow-Mories is a baby book! As is printed
on the front, "A place for kitten notes & cat fancies recored by
non-biological parents of fabulous felines." Also places for first pictures
and holiday pictures! A must for the new kitten owner, and for those who
didn't forget when their furr-kid was just a baby.
Expert Advice for Health Care:
"The Cat Who Cried For Help"-written by Nicholas
H. Dodman, BVMS, MRCVS. A book on the attitudes, emotions,
& psychology of cats. This book teaches us, through stories
& examples, about how to use behavior modification with our cats.
"The Well Cat Book"-a basic cat care book by Terri
McGinnis, D.V.M. This reference covers all the needs to properly care
for your feline, and work with your veterinarian. Published by Random
"The Doctors Book of Home Remedies for Dogs and Cats"-
Put together by the editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books, and a
collaboration of advice from top vets, trainers, breeders, and other animal
experts. A sound reference for whatever ails your cats(or d*gs).

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