"Angels affect us oft, and worshipped be."
(John Donne)
Who is not touched by the timeless beauty
and unchanging elegance of angels?

Welcome to my home away from home.
I am a primary teacher in Texas
14 years of teaching experience.
If you find some great education sites,
please share them with me,
I'm always looking for new additions
and interesting sites to add to my
Texas Teacher Network Page.

I have three wonderful children, they keep my husband and me very busy!
My oldest daughter loves the internet, she has some favorite kid's links on her website.
My son and younger daughter also love the computer, they became internet savvy in no time at all! They are all keyboard hounds!
A word of warning concerning children and the internet: Please be cautious about posting your children's pictures all over your website! This is a very dangerous thing to do!! Pages with your child's pics should remain private, and not linked to your website.

My hubby and I are about to celebrate our 15th. Anniversary in August of 2006!.
(Seems like it was just yesterday we were cruising around the local strip in his new fire engine red Camaro!)
My husband has finally come to the
realization that his wife and
children are "computer geeks."

I am a 1985 Honors graduate of Lufkin High School,
and graduated from Stephen F. Austin
State University in 1991.
I have taught in the East Texas area for the past 14 years.
My immediate professional goal
is to obtain my Master's Degree and
become a primary school counselor or Reading Recovery teacher. However, I am beginning to lean more towards an Administration degree. I encourage you to visit my Texas Teacher Network, I am focusing my future web-building on that site. It is located at

I have many varied hobbies,
but suppose that reading would
be my number one choice.
I will read just about anything,
cereal boxes included, but I
enjoy Science Fiction most.
I encourage my students, and their parents, to make reading a life-long pursuit.
I love reading and writing poetry, and hope you
have enjoyed the poetry placed on my pages.
I also love collecting quotations, especially ones concerning the field of education!!
I also enjoy painting, crafts, and
needlework, especially Medieval Blackwork.
I LOVE to play the dominoe game 42. Check out 42 Online if you love to play the game, too!
And of course, I obviously enjoy web design! *smile*

O, speak again, bright angel, for thou art
As glorious to this night, being o'er my head,
As is a winged messenger of heaven
Unto the white-upturned wond'rong eyes
Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him,
When he bestrides the lazy puffing clouds,
And sails upon the bosom of the air.
~~ William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet

[My Angel's Haven, closed!!!!]
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