Things my dad
taught me by his example.
- Courage
- To be humble
- Take pleasure and
have gratitude for the simple things
- To be
On a more practical
- Save all your receipts!
- Alway check the oil in your car.
- Try a five or seven iron around the green.

My dad
was in the 101st Airborne in World War II. This
division was the first in U.S. military history to
receive the Presidential Division Citation "for
extraordinary heroism and gallantry in defense of the
key communications center of Bastogne". For some
interesting history about this special division click
on the eagle.

Please check out
The Drop Zone as featured in a recent issue of
USA Today.
"The daring exploits of our World
War II airborne forces make for a high-flying Web
site. The Drop Zone Virtual Museum includes oral
histories, scrapbooks and artifacts, all put together
by volunteers." - USA Today, August 12, 1997
hope to see my dad included in this museum soon.
I'll keep you posted.
A poem "Purple Heart
Lane" written by two soldiers.