The following have added quality, happiness, and pleasure to our lives. We hope they will do the same for you. Oh, by the way, we're Mark and Pam Beckner. Nice to meet you. "REMEMBER THAT LIFE'S MOST TREASURED MOMENTS OFTEN COME UNANNOUNCED" - Life's Little Instruction Book, Volume III
GRANDMA MICK'S CORNER Valued sayings and advice from Mom that have helped along the way.
This section is being updated. Meanwhile please enjoy these words of wisdom.
Bronzwood G.C.This has been a very special place to us and other members of our family for many years. Come, join us for a visit. MAGGIE'S CORNER
This has been a very special place to us and other members of our family for many years. Come, join us for a visit.
Maggie is our dog (please keep this quiet, she doesn't know she's a dog). Anyway, she wanted to have her little corner on the web, so here it is, complete with pictures. CECIL'S CELLAR That's My Dad.A very special man. Includes interesting information on the 101st Airborne.
Maggie is our dog (please keep this quiet, she doesn't know she's a dog). Anyway, she wanted to have her little corner on the web, so here it is, complete with pictures.
A very special man. Includes interesting information on the 101st Airborne.
SPECIAL FRIENDSRecognition to all those responsible for the great graphics, backgrounds, and music we have used on these pages! NEW! We have just received our first award! It's here too! A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS We won't really give you a penny, but we would like to hear your comments on this page or if you would like to share some of your special moments, please email us If we think it's something many will enjoy, we'll include it in this space.
SPECIAL FRIENDSRecognition to all those responsible for the great graphics, backgrounds, and music we have used on these pages! NEW! We have just received our first award! It's here too!
Recognition to all those responsible for the great graphics, backgrounds, and music we have used on these pages! NEW! We have just received our first award! It's here too!
We won't really give you a penny, but we would like to hear your comments on this page or if you would like to share some of your special moments, please email us
If we think it's something many will enjoy, we'll include it in this space.