Lee & Susan Whitmire - 12/10/00 01:14:49
My Email:whit49@bellsouth
Love the visit and the music is lovely . You have a lovely family . Lee and Susan
Samantha - 11/29/00 21:10:54
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SamanthaS_2/tribute.html
My Email:samantha_also@yahoo.com
Hi Marion, I have come back to visit your beautiful web site and to see Charlie. lol
Thanks for this beautiful site as well as your kindness to all.
Clarence Lee Whitmire - 11/29/00 15:40:12
My URL:http://www.bellsouth.net
My Email:whit49@bellsouth.net
Larry Elliott - 11/26/00 22:40:57
My Email:Larry_e2@yahoo.com
Hi Marion!
Mercy - 05/01/00 17:32:04
My Email:mercymward@cs.com
You,ve got a great website.
cateye - 02/20/00 21:56:01
My URL:http://www.venturalink.net/~cateye
My Email:cateye@powmiaff.zzn.com
The graphics are beautiful! Thank you for making a caring tribute to a missing hero. God bless you.
So far love this page. I haven't been through all of it yet. Thanks
Bill Bristow - 12/13/99 06:45:35
My Email:bbristow@planetkc.com
11/12/99 23:07:29
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook
Linda Tognetti - 10/09/99 02:24:25
My URL:http://www.lindastrinkets.com
My Email:lindatog@lindastrinkets.com
I'm sorry I missed your birthday, yesterday. I hope it was a very special one.
Hugs ~ Linda ~ LOTH® Good Will Ambassador
Judy ( aka Lady Nickitta ) - 10/07/99 12:10:57
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Cottage/6400/MyRoseGarden/Entrance.html
My Email:MistyLakez@aol.com
Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat site, Sis!!! :::Smilin'::: I really enjoyed my lil visit to your "home". . . keep it up!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
~ Judy ~ ( aka Lady Nickitta ) LOTH Goodwill Ambassador
I am a new member of LOTH. I wanted to stop by and say hello. What a nice web site!! I really enjoyed my visit. Your hard work on your web site is evident. Thanks for sharing. Please stop by mine
sometime, I'd love to have you.
Claudette Letendre - 09/30/99 11:15:43
My URL:http://petitchoux.tripod.com
Hello I've enjoyed visiting you and your site very much.... you've done a great job! I will be sure to visit again!
Petit's House
The World Harmony & Hug Movement
Hug Graphics
The Love World Peace and Harmony Webring
Angela/SweetSurrender - 09/25/99 07:10:46
My URL:http://adviceangel.homepage.com/angel.html
My Email:tenderone@home.com
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What a wonderful loving person you are. I'm so glad you're a part of LOTH. Happy LOTH Love Day!
Connie Schuh - 09/23/99 17:27:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/angelwinks/index.html
My Email:crsangel@midwest.net
Hi! Welcome to LOTH!!! Love your home here, very warm and inviting!!! Blessings to you!
Sandy - 09/04/99 08:32:28
My URL:http://members.aol.com/skinnally
My Email:skinnally@aol.com
Dear Marion, Thanks for the visit and for your kind words for a quick recovery! I enjoyed my visit to your site and will return to finish asap. I love your pages; you've done a great job! Your LOTH Sister, ~Sandy~
Beth Leve - 08/27/99 00:35:57
My URL:http://www.50megs.com/levgen/
My Email:darkstorm@uswest.net
Thank you for visiting my site. I hope you didn't mind the constuction going on at my site and that you found something that was possibly useful. YOu have a great site and when I have a little more time, I will be back to search it more thoroughly.
Your LOTH sister
elsie bagwell stiles - 08/23/99 03:27:46
My URL:http://www.chestertel.com
My Email:buffey@infoave.net
you site is beautifull, i came up on it searching for information on my cole ancestors , my grandmother was a cole ,before marring sandford bagwell,in sc i think clinton or fountain in. at least that is where my father broadus belton was born. have you h
ard of any of these names? if so please email me may god bless you. elsie oh yes her name was maggie or sometimes margaret bagwell>she also had children, john jean lola mae and two died young. by again elsie
Jack & Shirley Whitcomb - 08/16/99 15:50:42
My Email:hpjack@california.net
Melanie Kaye - 08/15/99 05:00:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/littletreefrog/webpages.html
My Email:LittletreeFrog@se-tel.com
You have a very beautiful webpage.. Thanx for sharing..
God Bless & Have A Froggy Day!
Melanie Kaye
Claudia - 08/15/99 04:37:52
My URL:http://pw2.netcom.com/~ladyrose
My Email:LadyRose@ix.netcom.com
I found your site through LOTH and it's just
terrific!!! Keep up all the great work!
Angela Foughty - 08/14/99 04:31:38
My URL:http://village.fortunecity.com/etheridge/800/
My Email:tsunami85@hotmail.com
Hi! Dropped by after seeing your URL in Tidbits -- you have a beautiful site! :)
Sr. Beatrice Elizabeth / OFC - 08/12/99 20:49:04
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/SpiritCir/srbea/index.html
My Email:srbeadriscoll@hotmail.com
Hello my LOTH sister. You have a wonderful place here. You should be very proud. So many things to see and do..I will be back again!
Sr. Bea
D. Gibs - 08/12/99 13:17:07
My URL:http://members.aol.com/reeper823/pow/powmia.html
My Email:GySgt@usmc.net
Good Morning! I saw your comments in my guestbook and wanted to say thank you.I was wounded on 881 on May 8th 1968,we were operating out of Khe Sanh doing search and destroys. Thanks for reminding me just how important the the C-130's and their crews were
in our survival. God Bless You..Gunns..Ret/GySgt/USMC
Lady Oh - 08/10/99 14:29:47
My URL:http://ladyoh.cjb.net
My Email:Lady_Oh@webtv.net
I enjoyed every moment of your site. The words written for your mother were very beautiful!
Blessings....Lady Oh
Samantha - 08/08/99 15:32:18
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~SamanthaS_2/tribute.html
My Email:samantha_also@yahoo.com
Dear Friend,
What a wonderful Web Site!I have been viewing it for an hour now and I am very impressed with the POW/MIA pages. What a great family you have! (*S*) Thanks so very much for signing my guestbook! That's how I found this unbelievable site! I also *loved Ger
lds music! I am partial to guitar, as our son was also a musician and played Guitar. Thanks again and I shall visit often!
Dan Whitmire - 07/15/99 23:39:31
My Email:cdwhit@gvec.net
Have some information on the Marcus Whitmire family that is different from yours. example: James Madison Whitmire is buried in Pine Hill Cem. Rusk Co. Texas. Also, have info and letters from T.J. Whitmire to James Madison in the late 1800s. Would like to
share with you any information that I might have, that you do not, about the Marcus Whitmire family. Have found your information very usefull. Marcus Whitmire would be my great-great grandfather and his son James Madison my great grandfather.
Pat Downing Keene - 07/07/99 20:36:07
My Email:JKeene@worldnet.att.net
Hi Marion,
Really lovely. Nice to see a picture of one of my Hulsey relatives. Be sure and tell others of the Hulsey Registry and please refer anyone with Hulsey questions to my e-mail address.
Thanks...til later....Pat
Anna BERTRAM - 07/04/99 21:59:28
My Email:abertram@hotcom.net
Beautiful Marion:
You have a beautiful page too!
Your DeROSSETT Research Buddy and Friend!
Angie Lore - 06/18/99 14:41:07
My URL:http://home.webkorner.com/home/meet.htm
My Email:anglore@webkorner.com
I absolutely loved visiting you pages and meeting your wonderful family. You have done a great job!
Joan Boyd - 06/16/99 23:05:05
My Email:grannyb@cts.com
Marion I am so impressed with your web page, words fail me. I am Jimmie Sue's Aunt and she sends me poems and jokes you send her. I went into your web page and have spent all day searching it and listening to music. Thank you for the enjoyment I have h
Kodesmom - 05/14/99 06:58:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/9839
My Email:rkfogg@ttlc.net
I have thoroughly enjoyed browsing your site.You have some great links.... But then I'm partial to Georgia stuff! Am in Atlanta (but raised in North West Ga.)....Thank you for a very pleasant visit here.....Jane
Hi Perry,
I love your home page. you have a lot of
great links.really nice one's.
I had a good time.
be my guest visit me n sign my book.
Thank you~!~!Gilda
Diana - 02/23/99 02:20:36
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/n/a/n/nan259.html
My Email:jdgaittens@bboard.com
Hi Marion, Thanks for signing my guestbook. Pleased to meet you. Very nice HP. Thanks for the prayers, too. Hugs!
Willow - 02/21/99 19:40:15
My URL:http://travel.to/willowdancing
You've done a wonderful job with your site :) Enjoyed my visit.
Kindest regards,
Granny - 02/20/99 16:14:01
My URL:http://home.fuse.net/nvoegel/Free.htm
My Email:Granny4@usa.net
Hello from Ohio. Great page. I enjoyed my visit. My best to you and your family.
Hi Marion, loved your pages, you've done a wonderful job. Oh BTW, loved Charlie, LOL
Skip Hahn - 01/27/99 05:25:26
My URL:http://duke.home.texas.net
My Email:duke@texas.net
Marion sorry for signing your guest book before now, I really enjoyed all of your pages. I sure do treasure yours and Steven friendship alot. Keep up the good work... Your friend Skip....
Jimmie S. Bowman - 01/25/99 02:22:58
Hi Marion, I didn't have time yesterday to sign in. I just want to tell you again how pretty your site is. You are certainly more advanced on this contraption than me. I love the military additions. I'm part of the group of American trying to get Audie Mu
phy on a US postage stamp. I send hundreds of signatures each month to the postmaster;so far no luck. Meet ya later by e-mail. Your 1/2 Cuz Jimmie
Angel - 01/07/99 17:05:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wellesley/1327/powmia.html
My Email:Angel5430@aol.com
I stopped by to welcome you to Freedom Fighters.
You have a wonderful page for our POW's. Thank you so much for caring.
Freedom Fighters Welcoming Committee
Harold Persails - 12/25/98 13:30:22
My Email:jggq44c@prodigy.com
I am wondering if at any time you have come across the spelling of any WHITMIRE people splet WHITMORE? As you can guess I have the WHITMORE family link. Any help here would be appreciated.
Natale Williams - 12/12/98 07:24:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~natalewilliams
My Email:natalewilliams@yahoo.com
What a wonderful and fun site you have! It is obvious that you have put a lot of time and effort into it. Thank you for creating such a wonderful site and from one LOTH sister to another, have a wonderful holiday!
Claudette Letendre - 11/17/98 13:58:26
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~petitchoux/index.html
My Email:petitchoux1@yahoo.com
Great site! You've done a wonderful job and I've enjoyed being here very much.
The World Harmony & Hug Movement<
Hug Graphics
elfie - 11/06/98 16:50:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/8018
My Email:elfe.h@gmx.de
dear Marion, thank you so much sissi for your love and support.
wow,I enjoyed your pages and will come back soon to see more :)will e-mail you asap :) thx,elfie
Sommer - 10/13/98 12:24:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/2544/
My Email:carolann@pluribus-1.com
Love your place here.It is very warm and I enjoyed meeting Charlie ~laughing~. Will be back again. :)
Bye for now.
Stormie - 10/12/98 19:27:12
My URL:http://www.hom.net/~pratt/tracy/tracyhom.htm
My Email:zazu@hom.net
Hope your birthday was WONDERFUL! Really enjoyed my visit to your site. I live in the SouthEast and loved the links you have. Gorgeous background and the JAVA with all the photos of your family was very neat!
Ginger Holliday - 10/12/98 08:41:56
My URL:http://www.nidlink.com/~ugholl/
My Email:ginger-holliday@usa.net
Hi Marion! I'm glad you had such a nice birthday. And thank you so much for inviting me to your website. Its beautiful! You've done such a wondeful job, and its obvious you've put lots of time AND love into it. There's so much to see that I've bookm
rked you so I can come back again. (maybe when my 2 active children are sleeping?? *grin*)
Thanks again for an enjoyable visit!
Kelly (the Canuck) - 10/09/98 19:12:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/3946/
My Email:kyoung@primeline.net
Wow, what an extensive site you have! It will take me ages to get through it - I've bookmarked it! Hope you had a great birthday :-) With such a big loving family I've no doubt you did.
Kris - 10/09/98 17:15:22
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~kmcsplace/index.htm
My Email:jazzykc@yahoo.com
I love your site! It is beautiful!!!!! It was a pleasure to send you a birthday card. I hope you enjoy your day....Hugs Kris
Wishing you health, happiness, cake, ice cream and LOTS of presents on your special day!
Chilady - 10/07/98 09:46:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/2418/index.html
My Email:stutzman@HiWAAY.net
Thank you for sharing the poem your daughter wrote and gave to you as a gift. It is so beautiful and I know it touched your heart deeply.
NorthernStar - 10/06/98 00:40:29
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/NorthernStar/
My Email:northernstar_cs@hotmail.com
What an engaging and entertaining website you have. I have already spent more time here than I should have tonight. And althought just a tiny bit early.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. *Light, Love & Hugs* ~ a LOTH sister ~
10/03/98 22:53:51
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Linda - 09/04/98 08:34:39
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/7731
My Email:coffecup@dreamscape.com
Hi Marion! Just a LOTH sister visiting your "downhome" pages. I loved what you did with the place! Gotta tell you, we should start a blended family group! I have 5 children of my own, one grand daughter, one daughter of my fiance's, and a fiance'of my
ldest daughter, pluse countless numbers of "adopted children" I LOVE IT! Keep up the great work! Your pages are beautiful!
((((HUGS)))) Linda
Please be so kind and visit my site!
Thanks & God Bless!
Hi Marion! Just a LOTH sister visiting your "downhome" pages. I loved what you did with the place! Gotta tell you, we should start a blended family group! I have 5 children of my own, one grand daughter, one daughter of my fiance's, and a fiance'of my
ldest daughter, pluse countless numbers of "adopted children" I LOVE IT! Keep up the great work! Your pages are beautiful!
((((HUGS)))) Linda
Please be so kind and visit my site!
Thanks & God Bless!
Dear Marion,
I really enjoyed my visit here.
So much love on your pages. It
was a real pleasure. I'll come
back often to see what's new.
*Big Hugs*
Your LOTH sis, Tara :-)
Wolflady1 - 07/24/98 22:33:41
My URL:http://www.delphi.com/sotw/
My Email:wolflady1@iname.com
hello fellow LOTH Sis
Your pages are wonderful, and your daughter's poem brought tears to my eyes. You are a very special person to have so much love in your life.
Ralph Dettwiler - 07/21/98 19:37:50
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~rdett
My Email:rdett@iserv.net
Hey I thought it was RC-n-Moon Pies!! I really enjoyed your pages. I just started a Vets Memorial page where you can post the name of a veteran who was killed in combat, POW/MIA, or died of old age in bed. We owe them all so very much.
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Nice and creative !!! ![]() |
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