Why in the Heck did I bother to go to a PMU farms?
Ok First off, I have heard about these illusive PMU foals for about 2 years now. I always thought it was such a waste to breed wonderful foals just to see them slaughtered. I made it my mission to cut out all the B.S and make some contacts on MY OWN!
What I found, was a number of farmers needing to make ends meet. Good People, Family people, that care for the horses, and are in need to fins something that paid the "rent" Most of the farmers I talked to truely cared for their stock, but given their contracts NAERIC, They are left with the task of finding homes or selling to slaughter, thousands of foals every year.
Some have no choice but to sell the foals to auction handlers. The choice is there to do things not so savory and make money on just born carcasses of foals, But most of the farmers think this practice is cruel and inhumane, and wont do it even if it means a cut in profits to keep the foals longer.
Some farms ( I will add a link below) use the PMU babies to put into Dude Riding Strings or donate to therapeutic riding academies, and/OR advertise locally.
Some that I have connected in Manitoba, Canada wish to see vast Numbers of these babies adopted, But do not have the ability,time,and help available to ship huge numbers down here for consignment and sale.
As soon as I get photos shipped to me I will show you mares in slick,fat condition, that the only gripe they could have is not being out in pasture at that moment in time. However, In most barns ( PMU) They do rotate the mares in a weekly cycle, and hand walk in cases of mares getting lazy and needing exercise in the middle of the week. Canadian Agricultural studies have proven that the mares walk the urine stalls and can accomplish 12 miles a day walking back and forth. Yes they do get exercise pacing back and forth, and yes they do see pasture time once every other week in MOST cases.
What I want you to think about as a whole. Is that the fight we lead is not with the farmers. Most of these men/women and children have set aside part of their lives to give the best care they can to the mares while on contract with WA/Naric.
Our argument should be, If this drug exists, What can we do to help the babies?
Below is a link to a farmer that cares allot about his stock. Pedigrees mean nothing to him, but the overall health of the horses is. This is one of the nice ones that will donate the stock to charity, has charity rides up there for the under privilege youth, and is the ONLY Farmer I know of to date that is willing to transport a large load down here, if you guys tell him what you're looking for. Al has agreed to let me post pics on my PMU page, and you guys can deal with him on payment arrangements. What we're hoping to do is a "local" drop off in CA next year for the weanlings. (If the support for babies tell him we want them.)
I would suggest that you email him next year about June, and let him know what your dream foal should look like, and he will do his best to get Pictures THIS year ( Sorry Al, I could have had 30 of them sold this year if the time was right...LOL!) What I want you guys to do is realize that some of these farmers have made these mares and their care First Priority, in their lives.
What I hope to accomplish here is a 2 way communication between owners that WANT babies and farmers that want to see them adopted to good homes.
********Please think long and hard before you call them to harass them.....JUST DON'T DO IT! This is my forum, and these men have opened their hearts and homes to us, that want to see the babies rescued.
If I hear of Problem of this sort, we will abort "PMU Trek 1999" and you all will have to find this info out on your own.I want to provide you all with the most wonderful babies I can, If you harass these guys, I will delete this page and you can find them elsewhere. This Is a Trial Program, and just the homes wanting these babies for their own with out JUDGMENT, need apply.
Mail Me for information that will bring you to their family page. Most of the horses here are from "Uterine Production Mares" There is some wonderful flexibility going on here, and I want you guys to know that these wonderful people care about their stock. Yes, the horses work for a living, But they get good care too!