PMU Farmers and the other side of the coin!

 How often do we all go off half cocked?  How do we view websites looking to make a point in favor of out heart strings?

I'm asking you to put your mind in gear and visit a few places?  Come see the other side of the coin?

See that there may be a few farmers that Care!  An Agricultural system that cares, and What PETA might be screaming about is a few bad apples, and Taking your donations to fight a battle with horrid pictures, and not checking out any  potential "good" farmers, Nor are they making any headway on educating females,,,Nor helping to find the real persons in need ....the FOALS!

My feeling on why they do this is that if the REAL story gets out....You will not donate money to them,  You will not see the farmers as family persons, you will give them all the money to fight the farmers rather than educate women that are on this drug.  

I guess I need to tell you guys a bit about Why I am doing this?  I visit Farms when I can and report on ones that I feel are doing a Damn Good Job!  If I find one that rotates his mares, gives water free choice, feeds well, and has rubber mats under these great ladies, ( Mares) I will do My best to help him get people up there to adopt these foals out.

I'd like to be able to give a leg up to people that want to see how the Better UPF (Urine Production Farms) Run.  To see that PETA may know a handful that are awful, I don't doubt that at all!  But there are a few struggling farmers that have kind programs that use the mares in a kinder gentler way, and the foals out of programs like this are well worth out efforts to see that the GOOD farms get kudos, Not the Meat production farms.  If these farmers want to see these foals placed, and they do a better job than most...Lets show them we thank the efforts.

Below are some links.  Some are agricultural links that have charts on feeding the production line mares.  The other one on Agencies and associations that fight the rumors and propaganda of PETA,ALF,UAP,EF ect. To tell you truth, I don't hate Peta,

I feel these gals do a wonderful job.  But the lines toward anything illegal make me kind of wary.  I know the ideas from some of these ladies  can range from legal to illegal at about 1.2 seconds.  (JMHO)  No, I don't hate them, but the thoughts of a few of the heretics, have me a bit "gun shy" ( If you will excuse the Pun?)

There  are a few to a list for PMU TREKS...These are gals wishing to trek up there to buy foals, But want to travel together. there will be security involved for these trips,

But if you're willing to go up there without malice towards the farmers..Come, Be part of the NEW Moral Majority!

We Care!  We will Educate, But the decision of the woman taking the medication....Is HER decision!  We will educate on the alternatives, But the decision will have to be on her, and her Dr, and whether Body will be able to take the alternative.  According to JAMA, 1 in 3 can NOT take the alternatives without severe changes in her feelings of well being,or feelings of a decent quality of life.   I want to help educate the 2 out of that 3...Am I WRONG?  I don't think I am, But the thousands of foals need for me to help them...I have to start somewhere!

This is an example of an urine stalls see mares in harness page for the others...even a mare laying down.