Who was Paul?
Paul was the son of a Pharisee. He grew up in the city of Tarsus, in a country north of Judea. As a youth, he came to Jerusalem to study with the famous teacher Gamaliel. He became one of the smartest young men at the Temple.
Paul hated those Jews who believed in Jesus. He wanted to stop them from preaching
— even if it meant killing them. Paul tracked down believers wherever they hid and punished them. Those first Christians feared Paul greatly, for he was very good at his job.
Paul heard that many Jews in the city of Damascus believed in Jesus. He planned to find them and bring them back to Jerusalem to stand trial before the Sanhedrin.
But as he was on the road, a bright light suddenly flashed around
him. Paul fell to the ground. A voice spoke. "Paul, Paul, why do you
The light vanished. Paul’s men helped him up. He discovered that he could not see anything, so the men led him by the hand.
In Damascus, the Lord spoke to a believer named Ananias. He told him to visit Paul and heal his blindness. Ananias said, "Lord, I have heard terrible things about this man!"
God answered, "Go! I have chosen Paul for a very important job." So Ananias went and prayed with Paul. Something like fish scales fell from Paul’s eyes, and he could see once more. Immediately, Paul got up and was baptized. From that day on, he worked to spread the good news about Jesus to all the world.