JESUS loves the little children

All the children of the world

Red and yellow black and white

They are precious in His site JESUS loves

the little children of the world.



We are all made unique and special by God. We all have different skin colors and live in many parts of the world but it's so GREAT that JESUS loves us all the same? GOD is no respector of persons. Know what that means? It means that none of us are any more special that the other.


We are all HIS creation and know what's even more cool. He has a very special plan for everyone of our lives. That's right a special plan for each one of HIS children. Whether they are red, yellow, black, white, brown, BIG, little fat, skinny, blue eye's, brown eye's, or even short or tall. You can read about the thoughts HE has for you in Jerimiah 29:11.


Have you ever had bad thoughts about a person because they were different? Well you know JESUS forgives us of those thoughts if we only ask HIM. Maybe now is a good time if you haven't asked HIM yet.

For 10 points let Nanny know something we can do for a person who is different to make them feel special.


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