Hey Kids Welcome to Nanny's Neighborhood. We are part of Balancedword's Kids Corner
There are lot's of neat things you will find here. Like cool links, stories, and joke's!!!
And you can join Nanny's Neighborhood!!!

In Nanny's neighborhood we learn lot's of awesome things about Jesus!!! He is our Savior!!! Know what Savior means? It means one who saves or delivers!!!

He is also called a redeemer. Know what that is? Well that's someone who buys back or pays off a debt for us. Let's look at this okay? Lets say you used some credit cards and made a HUGE debt, and someone came along and paid that debt, they would be a redeemer. That's what Jesus did for us. We ran up a HUGE sin debt and he paid it for us, cause we couldn't. That is so cool huh?

Jesus loves each and everyone of us and is always there for us. Wanna know something else really neat? When we pray we are communicating with Him, And when we read our Bible's He communicates back to us!!!
Nanny's Neighborhood is still under construction. When it's done we will have Bible Quiz's, Coloring Contest, and Nanny gives rewards too. So come back soon when the neighborhood is finished being built and we will have lot's of fun learning about Jesus and praising the Lord!!!