Linda Youel - 12/19/00 19:37:24 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 2 Standard Schnauzers Do you show dogs?: no, did do some Obedience work a few times but decided we were too crazy or lazy for the rigors of the ring. Where are you from?: Tucson, AZ | Comments: Hi Sherry and Stormy, Just visited your nice site and wanted to say hi from the AD List. |
Geoff n' Di Hodgins - 12/13/00 07:04:38 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: 10 Fish, 1 mini. & I toy Poodle Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Tamworth ,Australia | Comments: As they say awesome, just awesome, lovelly photo's very well put togrthrt pages. Congratulations |
wanda coe - 12/13/00 05:15:13 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: st poodle Do you show dogs?: not any more Where are you from?: portland or | Comments: sorry to hear of your loss.....looks like you are still going strong in the dog world...maybe I'll get to go to the jan show. Let me know when it is ...thanks wanda |
Christina Weaver - 12/11/00 01:00:16 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: Too many to list! Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Tenmile, OR | Comments: Very nice job! |
Mindy Sayre - 09/23/00 17:32:40 My Do you have pets?: Not right now. Where are you from?: Ohio | Comments: Hi, share you love of animals. I used to raise toy poodles. However, both my Mother dogs, that I loved dearly, both died at the age of 17. I am planning a move shortly and plan to have another as just a pet. They are so smart, intelligent and I love the f ct that they don't shed. There is nothing like the loyalty of an dog to his master. How can anyone not love them? I wish you all the luck with yours!! |
- 09/04/00 19:14:03 | Comments: |
Ginny - 08/25/00 01:43:47 My URL: My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 1 Scottie, 1 Himalayan Do you show dogs?: no-did Cats Where are you from?: Toronto, Ont | Comments: My Scottie is Mr Rex from the AD group. Great site. Did you do it yourself?? See you in K9Addison Me & Mr Rex (Stash too!) |
Wanda Harlow - 08/24/00 17:47:35 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: SP's Do you show dogs?: used to Where are you from?: San Diego, CA | Comments: Nice site, Sherry, enjoyed! Thanks for your comments on small SP's |
Bonnie Hale - 07/23/00 19:33:54 My URL:/fancitoypoodles My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: toypoodles and a maine coon cat, tropical fish Do you show dogs?: Yes Where are you from?: Grand Bay in Lower Alabama | Comments: I enjoyed visiting your very nice website. My heart is with the toys, and yours were lovely. Checkers story was so sad, but, you tried so hard to have him stay with you as long as possible and he did. So many would have given up easily. You are a saint to him. Take care and good luck. |
Peggy - 06/21/00 19:11:42 My Do you have pets?: No, pets have me. If so, what kinds?: Maaltese Do you show dogs?: Yes Where are you from?: Portlandd, OR | Comments: Great work Sheri. I haven't been to all the links, but will get there eventually. |
Sally Ciraolo - 06/21/00 16:02:14 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: poodle,border collie and 2 cats Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: San Diego Ca | Comments: Loved your story about Checkers, it brought tears to my eyes also. |
WANDA COE - 05/31/00 04:14:42 My Email:CLASSY@USWEST.NET Do you have pets?: YES If so, what kinds?: ST. POODLE Do you show dogs?: NOT ANYMORE Where are you from?: PORTLAND | Comments: ENJOY YOUR WEB PAGE ...... |
Terry Holmes - 05/24/00 02:36:15 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: I raise Toy Poodles and have one Standard Do you show dogs?: Yes confirmation , agility and obedience Where are you from?: Canada | Comments: I loved your site it was very touching to hear your stories about your standard. Glad I surfed on. Take care. |
pam bauer - 05/16/00 05:35:39 My Do you have pets?: dog If so, what kinds?: bichons Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: vancouver, wash. | Comments: |
Marva Rhinehart - 04/07/00 06:11:42 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: Toy's & Standred podles Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Vancouver WA.98682 | Comments: |
Ann Kennedy - 03/26/00 05:41:02 My Do you have pets?: Oh Yes!! If so, what kinds?: Pooooddddllleeesss Do you show dogs?: Oh My Yes!!! | Comments: Hi Sherry, Lovely Wedsite!! Ann |
Judy Bray - 03/23/00 16:51:14 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: poodles and birds Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Redmond,Wa. | Comments: Very nice web site! |
Ann Archenoul - 03/17/00 11:59:08 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: 1 Black Standard Poodle 1 Chihuahua plus 3 cats Do you show dogs?: No Where are you from?: Australia | Comments: Enjoyed my visit to your web site. My poodle 'Jake' is seven months old and quite a handful.He's the first poodle I've ever owned and he's beautiful. Jerry hates him but he'll get over it eventually!!!!?? |
Anneli Susi - 03/11/00 01:23:09 My URL: My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: 4 Standardpoodles and 1 toypoodle Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Sweden | Comments: Lovely poodles, great site. |
Robin Hughes - 03/10/00 12:17:42 My URL: My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 3 poodles, toy Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Augusta, Ga | Comments: You have beautiful poodles. The silvers are great. I have had 2 from my female, and the last one went to her new home a few weeks ago. |
Roxanne Elliott - 03/02/00 13:46:06 My URL: My Do you have pets?: 3dogs If so, what kinds?: Cocker/BichonFrise/TeacupApricotPoodle Do you show dogs?: NO Where are you from?: Elizabeth,Illinois | Comments: You have a wonderful site!! |
Jim Byman - 02/07/00 19:53:29 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: Poodle's Do you show dogs?: going to Where are you from?: Ethel Wash. | Comments: thank You for you help. and good job on your home page. And it was very nice to meet you. Maybe I can get you to show my new one when is get 6 month. |
Angela - 01/31/00 16:45:07 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: miniature apricot Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Canada | Comments: Beautiful Dogs.......great website!!!!!!!! |
angela - 01/27/00 22:31:38 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: poodle Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Canada | Comments: Very beautiful dogs!!!!! |
Sylke Sattler - 01/20/00 19:44:53 My URL: My Do you have pets?: yes, poodles If so, what kinds?: 2 Miniature and 2 Standards Do you show dogs?: 1 Miniature and 1 Standard for show Where are you from?: Germany | Comments: I have see today your beautiful Standard and Miniature poodles. It´s a very nice website. Greetings from Germany. |
colleen stillick - 01/10/00 02:15:13 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: cats,dog Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: hammond ,oregon | Comments: I have been hoping to find someone within driving distance of me that has poodles.Are you still in the columbia poodle club? Colleen Stillick |
tony and debbie - 01/02/00 23:36:38 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: two toy's&parrott Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: australia | Comments: very nice pictures of your animals, like you how dogs seem to rule the house, they love us too bits and we love them, we have a chocalate and black,13years and 8 years old and tread the day one of them passes on. |
Barry Leonard - 12/16/99 14:44:31 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 2 Standard poodles and 2 Abby Cats Do you show dogs?: No Where are you from?: Bloomfield Hills Michigan | Comments: Glad to have found your web page. The Addisons support group has been very helpful. |
Gary Strong - 11/15/99 14:43:34 Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: mini apricot poodle Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Gresham, OR | Comments: Like your candid remarks about your dogs. Favorite picture is the "reindeer" float. |
Rhonda Phelps - 10/26/99 01:25:13 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: husky x dog Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Grand Forks, ND | Comments: My dog was diagnosed with AD recently. You have an interseting web site! |
Karen Bullion - 10/19/99 00:41:11 My Do you have pets?: yes - Sophie If so, what kinds?: std. black fem. poddle Do you show dogs?: no, just pets had AD Where are you from?: St. Louis, Mo. | Comments: Had two german shepards prior to sophie, lived to be 12 and 13 still miss them. Loved your story. |
debbie foley - 09/26/99 03:54:14 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: all standard poo's Do you show dogs?: one retired and a new one on the way Where are you from?: mpls mn | Comments: i loved your site,and truly adored romeo it was very heart wreching to read checkers story as i to am living with an addison dog-lemerle free to fly best wishes to you and your poo's,you have a lovely family |
John Adelman - 09/11/99 18:24:46 My Do you have pets?: Yes! If so, what kinds?: A Checkers' son Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Originally, Connecticut | Comments: Thank you so much! |
Beverly Pogue - 09/07/99 20:03:39 My Do you have pets?: yes, two If so, what kinds?: SP white called'Jean Luc' and beautiful, neurotic calico cat I have raised since she was 4 days old. Her name is Button Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Lawrenceville, GA NE of Atlanta | Comments: I love you site and kindness. I do not show or breed, but am very enthusiastic about learning what and how ya'll do it all. I have RA And Lupus, I have diabled from my job since 1995. I vicariously sometimes. My love for animals is strong and has been since childhood. If I could I would breed & show. I can't so listen and watch.Thank you for emailing and inviting me to your site. Always Beverly |
Beverly Pogue - 09/07/99 20:00:18 My Do you have pets?: yes, two If so, what kinds?: SP white called'Jean Luc' and beautiful, neurotic calico cat I have raised since she was 4 days old. Her name is Button Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Lawrenceville, GA NE of Atlanta | Comments: |
Peggy Waner - 08/12/99 01:01:13 My Do you have pets?: Surely you jest. If so, what kinds?: White ones Do you show dogs?: Once in a while Where are you from?: Portland, OR | Comments: Great site. Of course Checkers will always be my favorite. |
Barb Claude - 08/04/99 13:51:56 My URL: br> My Do you have pets?: two dogs If so, what kinds?: Port Water Dog and St Poodle Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Ohio | Comments: I read Checkers story and I know exactly how you feel. It will be 4 yrs since I lost my beloved Abby and I still miss her terribly. It is very hard to talk about her w/o tears too. Your Checkers was a beauty and I was surprised at the end to see that h actually was a blue!! I just bought my first SP in May -- Jaimee, she is 16 wks. old, and a blue. |
Theresa Moore - 07/26/99 03:08:22 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: four dogs- one toy poodle Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Missouri | Comments: Poodle had Cushngs but now Addision from Lysodren d.o.b. 9/86 dx cushings 4/96 addisons 6/98 |
Bonnie Hale - 06/04/99 23:12:54 My Do you have pets?: yeess If so, what kinds?: Tpoodles,stupid cat,fish Do you show dogs?: Yes, in conformation Where are you from?: Grand Bay, Alabama | Comments: Came to your site from PSG. Read about your toys, and Checkers. It is so hard to watch a beloved friend be sick, recover and then lose them. I know, because my Mom had a double stroke Easter,April 12, 1998.She has recovered some but, of course will never e the same. I have eight toy poodles. Enjoyed your web site. |
Julie Poodles Borst - 04/19/99 17:20:35 My URL:http://www.tiarapoodles My Do you have pets?: Poodles I pet, yes. If so, what kinds?: Poodles Do you show dogs?: Poodles Where are you from?: Got me there - San Diego | Comments: THANK YOU FOR SUCH A GREAT SITE! Because of you listing The Canine Diversity Project on your Home Page, I have learned a tremendous amount about the pedigrees of Standard Poodles. This summer my litters will totally be the influence of the Project you referred me to through your website - perhaps we need to make you a co-breeder! The coeffiency of inbreeding will only be 5.4% and 3.12% on the litters. Poodles owe you a great big THANKS for educating the public (including me) through your site. |
Peggy - 04/16/99 04:10:39 My Do you have pets?: silly girl If so, what kinds?: dogs Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Just across town | Comments: I have been to your site many times. Thought it was time to sign my name. |
Maureen Halliday - 04/01/99 04:50:56 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: standard poodles Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Rochester N.Y. | Comments: Hi Sherry, I just checked out your web page and am very impressed! Your standards are beautiful, so are the toys but I personally am more a standard person. They are all so elegant, I loved CC but Romeo is sure a lover, they are all awesome animals. If ever get to your neck of the woods i'd like to stop by and see them all in the flesh, I didn't see any pics of Storm, is she a black or white? Nice job on your web page, I really enjoyed it. Bye...........Maureen |
Barb - 03/16/99 17:16:26 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 1 black SP, Yogi Do you show dogs?: nope, but we have fun training in Agility Where are you from?: Chicago, IL | Comments: Your Checkers story has me puddling all over my computer! What a great beast you had, and what love and selflessness you showed in your care for him. It's hard to read stories like yours with my own black SP (Champion of my Heart), and I don't know if I w ll ever be as strong as you are when the time comes for me to do so. Ugh. Thanks for sharing. |
Anita McKenna - 02/24/99 23:13:53 My Do you have pets?: oh, yes!! If so, what kinds?: 2 SP's, 1 Bichon and some fosters Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Plainsboro,NJ | Comments: I visited your webpage because I am a memeber of PSG. Your story about Checkers has me in tears. What a beautiful story of your love for him. I am relatively new to poodles but not to dogs. Your story resonates in the heart of every animal-lover. |
Joanne Cassidy - 02/22/99 20:16:57 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: standard poodles Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: calgary, Alberta Canada | Comments: I was very touched by your story of Checkers. I remember seeing his pictures years ago in P.V. or P.R. What a lovely dog!Joanne,, Casabrook perm. reg. p.s. nice web page. I enjoy your post on PSG |
Julie Borst - 02/22/99 15:34:20 My URL: My If so, what kinds?: Standard Poodles Do you show dogs?: Agility, yes. Conformation-Not if I can help it. Where are you from?: San Diego, CA USA | Comments: Lovely website. Very informative. Keep up the nice work. Best wishes in Poodles. |
Tommy Sirianni - 02/14/99 21:44:17 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: Rottwiller Named Sharobie, and A cat Miss Kitty Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: hmmm from my mommy? | Comments: Good Web Page! |
Julie Klein - 02/12/99 13:31:40 My Do you have pets?: not at this moment,but soon we'll have our new... If so, what kinds?: cream Standard Poodle ! Do you show dogs?: no thanks Where are you from?: Hollywood, CA | Comments: I'm in love with "Romeo" ! He's a gorgeous boy that looks deserving of his name. |
George Knaggs - 01/28/99 02:34:02 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: cat - orange tabby - Roadie Where are you from?: Somerville, NJ | Comments: Your wonderfull stories reminded me how special poodles are. I grew up with a silver mini poodle, Cindy. She's been gone for 10 years and I still miss her. When I was a boy, she would take any tennis or racket balls that my brother and I had and hide t em under my parents bed. She would curl up next to me while on the couch or in bed. She was so smart, we walked her without a leesh and she would always stay by ourside. She would stay in the front window waiting for us to come home. She brought a lot of joy to me and my whole family. If you know any breeders in the NJ area of silver/black miniature poodles, please let me know. -Best Regards |
andi Curl - 01/24/99 05:50:30 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: cats, dogs (1 Poodle), birds, fish Do you show dogs?: don't think so Where are you from?: El Paso, Texas | Comments: |
Judy FORREST - 01/12/99 07:01:34 My URL: My Do you have pets?: YES If so, what kinds?: MALTESE Do you show dogs?: YES Where are you from?: Dennis, MA | Comments: GREAT Webbsite. I enjoyed my visit very much and will return for updates. THANKS for putting this site up. JUDY Ju-dee MALTESE |
Caroll Henscheid - 12/24/98 15:32:47 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: silver poodle Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Placerville, California | Comments: Your BooBoo looks alot like my Miss Belle. I had a white poodle for 13years and I had to put her down her name was Aspen Sierra I called her Sara she slept with me and never left my side. After I put her down I found I cryed all night because my baby was gone. I just couldn't get another white because I missed Sara so. I looked in the paper called a lady and she said she had one white and one that she thought would he silver. I was so taken by Miss Belle the first time I took her in my arms she laid her nose on my neck and that is the way we sleep every night. Do you think it is good to ha e a friend for Belle or do you think it is fine to be an only baby. I have more that enought room for two babies. Thanks for letting me share |
Penny Daugherty - 12/23/98 00:34:54 My Do you have pets?: of course If so, what kinds?: poodlettes Do you show dogs?: yep Where are you from?: Atlanta | Comments: What a pretty page. :) |
wanda coe - 12/20/98 18:02:10 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: standard poodle Do you show dogs?: not any more Where are you from?: portland | Comments: your website is very interesting .. and informative. |
Debbie Lea - 11/27/98 22:30:26 My Do you have pets?: 5 poodles If so, what kinds?: 1 Min.and 4 Toy's Do you show dogs?: No,they are my Baby's Where are you from?: Canada | Comments: I loved your Web page's I cryed when I read your storie's about your poodle's ,I wish you many year's of sucess ,On Wednesday Nov,25/98 My toy poodle Tiny fell down 5 stair's and broke both front leg's,4 bones are broken in all.Now we are going through th process and heart break of keeping him comfortable and praying that he heal's up properly Please keep him in your prayer's and may God Bless you ,Wonderful Site Debbie |
Melissa - 11/16/98 05:56:11 My URL: My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: dogs and 1 cat Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: USA | Comments: Well, it's been a year since I have signed so I thought I would let you know that I do visit often! I don't thnk you want me to sign evey time though;-) Very moving account of your time with your babies! Melissa Box Pristine Poodles |
Peggy Wanner - 11/11/98 00:11:45 My Do you have pets?: Of course If so, what kinds?: Maltese Do you show dogs?: Yes Where are you from?: Portland, OR | Comments: Great page Sherry. Now I really have to get busy and do one for me. |
John & Mildred Hodshire - 11/08/98 01:52:03 My Do you have pets?: No Do you show dogs?: No Where are you from?: Valparaiso, Indiana | Comments: Loved your stories and the pictures of your lovely poodles. We had Chrissie who we brought home from Portland for 16 years. And we still miss her. |
robin wiggin - 10/30/98 03:37:18 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: mini-poodle & cats Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: portland, oregon | Comments: Thanks for your sweet welcome to the PSG list! I am looking for a female mini, preferably mature, for my extremely active human mother. She lost her husband of 45 years this past summer and is dying for a mini to love and run around with. I think she c uld probably even handle a puppy but she is reluctant, so the search is on for a 1-3 year old maybe? She lives in Seattle but will travel. No interest in showing or breeding, BTW. Are you in a position to keep an eye out? See you on the PSG list! |
Sharon Behmann - 10/29/98 22:29:45 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: toy poodle, chihuahua, one cat, two horses Do you show dogs?: obedience and agility Where are you from?: near Guelph, Ontario, Canada | Comments: Love your site and your dogs! Sorry I forgot to sign in last time I visited. I'll be back! |
John H. Bromley - 10/18/98 20:25:27 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: Silver Mini Poodle Do you show dogs?: No Where are you from?: Arkansas | Comments: You have a wonderful site. You should be very proud. |
Keith - 10/14/98 06:16:22 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 2dogs/5finches/fish Do you show dogs?: I dont know Where are you from?: seattle washington | Comments: Thanks for the personal story, I have a new poodle and have lots of hopes for her as a pet. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Judy Rich - 09/06/98 01:08:17 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: Mini Poodles Do you show dogs?: Obedience only Where are you from?: Mississaug,Ont. Canada | Comments: Sherry, You have a wonderful Web page. It my desire to have one as well some day. As you can tell from the list I have minis and do only obedience. Thank you for your e-mail. Judy |
laura - 09/05/98 22:33:19 My URL:http://?? My Do you have pets?: 21 If so, what kinds?: cats,dogs,fish,gerble Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: maryland | Comments: your web page is pretty cool.but i have 1 question how did u do it i've been trying to for so long but i couldn't understand it. please help me out. an animal lover, ps no i dont live on a farm. laura |
Liane - 09/04/98 19:34:05 My URL: My Do you have pets?: Standard Poodle Do you show dogs?: I have many Where are you from?: Germany | Comments: Visit my homepage Best Regards Liane |
- 09/04/98 19:31:38 | Comments: |
Lin Bevando - 08/25/98 14:31:44 My Do you have pets?: I lost my "Shadow" (black standard female) 5 years ago to cancer and miss her terribly. If so, what kinds?: I have a rescued 3 yr. old cat named "Sassy", but it's no replacement for "Shadow." I am currently searching for another standard. Do you show dogs?: No - just LOVE standard poodles. Where are you from?: Wilmington, Delaware | Comments: I cried reading about the loss of your beloved standard and certainly could relate. It truly is like the death of a human family member. Poodles are surely the most wonderful breed in the world. |
Marion Banta - 08/07/98 18:05:56 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: standard poodles Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Tenafly,NJ | Comments: I wept when I read about Checkers. It brought back memories of every poodle I've lost in the last 32 years of owning standards, the most wonderful companions any could have! |
Mette Sørum - 08/05/98 21:54:42 My URL: My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 10 cairn terriers and 1 cat Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Denmark | Comments: Great site you have Sherlyn. I'm a breeder of Cairn Terriers under the prefix ZALAZAR. I'm also a groomer so all kind of dogs interest me. |
Melissa Bass - 07/25/98 05:23:59 My URL: My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 13yr. old black lab, 13mth.old black SP Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Florissant,mo | Comments: I cried for you and checkers, the love of my life was put to sleep on aug. 13,1997, after a 2year battle with JRD. I can't read about or see other black standards that are dying, or have already gone to the Rainbow Bridge. It hurts too much. Sincerely, Melissa Bass |
Jane Bonkoski - 07/16/98 19:53:38 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: 5 birds; teacup poodle Do you show dogs?: No Where are you from?: Salem County, New Jersey | Comments: Just got a teacup poodle puppy. Am new to all of this. Am 55; first dog. I don't think we have any grooming schools in our area. I have never heard of any. We live about 4 miles from the Delaware Memorial Bridge. |
Edwina A. Halsey - 07/16/98 01:58:42 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: Black standard poodle Do you show dogs?: No Where are you from?: Upstate New York | Comments: I have to wipe my eyes to type this after reading about your Checkers. My heart goes out to you. I had a silver sp, Sterling, for 14 yrs. He had a heart attack and died in his sleep. Three months after that,after much much searching, I flew to Kansas to get my BlackJack. He sat on my lap all the way home in the plane and has been the absolute light of my life. He is 3 yrs. old. I thank God everyd y that he is healthy. He does have the occasional ear problems (more than I'd like) but we are working on that. God bless you for all you did for your Checkers. |
Edwina A. Halsey - 07/16/98 01:58:38 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: Black standard poodle Do you show dogs?: No Where are you from?: Upstate New York | Comments: I have to wipe my eyes to type this after reading about your Checkers. My heart goes out to you. I had a silver sp, Sterling, for 14 yrs. He had a heart attack and died in his sleep. Three months after that,after much much searching, I flew to Kansas to get my BlackJack. He sat on my lap all the way home in the plane and has been the absolute light of my life. He is 3 yrs. old. I thank God everyd y that he is healthy. He does have the occasional ear problems (more than I'd like) but we are working on that. God bless you for all you did for your Checkers. |
wanda coe - 07/04/98 22:15:53 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: standard poodle Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: portland, oregon | Comments: hi sherry. I finally found your web page .. it is very nice. someday I'll put one on the web (as soon as I can figure how to do it.) enjoying yours ...wanda |
Karen Cutler - 06/23/98 00:29:15 My URL: My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: miniature and standard poodles Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Cross Creek, Florida | Comments: What a wonderful tribute to your dogs! Talk to you on PSG |
Sara Jo Littlefield - 06/12/98 23:09:55 My Do you have pets?: yes two If so, what kinds?: POODLES Do you show dogs?: No I have no interest Where are you from?: Northeastern NC | Comments: Hi Sherry, I saw you address on the poodle list and just had to look. It is great to know that other people love their poos. Thanks for letting me in on your site....sara jo and Honey Bear and Sterling Silver |
Sheri Lyon-Reese - 06/12/98 04:02:53 My URL: My and Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: black Mini poodle (JD) Do you show dogs?: no, but want an SP and might Where are you from?: Florida | Comments: Your Checkers was beautiful, and just hearing his story of struggling and overcoming brought tears to my eyes too. What a wonderful dog he was. Sheri |
Sheri Lyon-Reese - 06/12/98 04:00:48 My URL: My and Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: black Mini poodle (JD) Do you show dogs?: no, but want an SP and might Where are you from?: Florida | Comments: Your Checkers was beautiful, and just hearing his story of struggling and overcoming brought tears to my eyes too. What a wonderful dog he was. Sheri |
- 05/31/98 04:19:43 | Comments: |
Shellee L. Saldivar - 05/30/98 02:29:43 My If so, what kinds?: Shih-tzu Where are you from?: Vancouver, WA | Comments: I am a pet groomer (Quality Pet Services) in Vancouver, WA Thanks for sharing. |
Janese Tennant - 05/27/98 14:18:04 My URL: My Do you have pets?: dogs (each has a web page linked to the others) If so, what kinds?: 3 male Maltese Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: West Virginia | Comments: Your story of Checkers made me weep for you!!!! I have always wanted a standard poodle and am seriously considering it in the neer future. My aunt raised them when I was young and I have long remembered their intelligence and humor. Someday soon I will ad one to my "pack". I can only hope that mi e will be half as wonderful as Checkers!!! |
Ada Frenock - 05/25/98 20:54:54 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 11 wk old standard poodle (that I wrote to you about with flat feet) Do you show dogs?: no, but had some experience with showing German Shorthaired Pointer (handler, actually) Where are you from?: Redmond, WA | Comments: Hi: Just thought I'd check out your website. It's great. Beautiful dogs! And thanks again for your time and interest in answering my Poodle-L SOS. --Ada |
DURIF Pierre - 05/15/98 08:56:49 My URL: My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: 3 cats Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: FRANCE | Comments: Please have a look at my site |
M.Sue Leister - 04/29/98 11:10:33 My Do you have pets?: 2 Toy Poodle+1cat If so, what kinds?: Silver Toy Do you show dogs?: yes in obedience Where are you from?: Westminster,Md 21157 | Comments: I too love silver toy poodls and hope one day I will have the third one. |
Marie Dunn - 04/17/98 14:38:08 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: 2 SPs,Chi,2cats,3parrots and Giblet the hamster Do you show dogs?: No yet, but someday I would like to undertake that. Where are you from?: Currently, Maryland, but planning to move to Clermont, Fla. by the end of summer. | Comments: Dear Sherry, What a nice beginning story. You were lucky to hook up with a very knowledgable mentor to help you learn and get started. I think it would be nice for all new people to have a mentor when they begin. We do that in nursing for all new graduates and it works well for them. They gain confidence that way. I will continue to look at all the web site now. Fondly, Marie and Remington |
Connie Rodgers - 04/17/98 03:18:54 My URL: My Do you have pets?: a few If so, what kinds?: Standard Poodls Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Mt. Airy, Md. | Comments: Many years ago, I would gaze at Checkers picture, and think of breeding to him. My loss, that I didn't! Checkers is my kind of dog, and always will be. I'm sorry he left us at such a young age. Connie PS That's one nice husband, to tell you publicly, that he loves you! |
Deb Johnson - 04/16/98 19:01:41 My URL: My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: 1 SP (nephew Bear), 1 yel lab, 2 DSH cats Do you show dogs?: I try but with the competition ... Where are you from?: Minnesota! All the Way! | Comments: Uncle Romeo, I LOVE your new page. Can your mommy help my mommy to finish mine? Mom-Sherry must really love you to say all that ooshy-gooshy stuff! Say hi to my grandma DeeDee for me, okay? Bear |
David Arthur (Aircastle) - 04/15/98 10:51:17 My URL: My Do you have pets?: Sort of... ;-) If so, what kinds?: Std. Poodles/Shelties Do you show dogs?: Definately!!! Where are you from?: Bowling Green, OH | Comments: Sherry, Your story on Banacek brought tears to my eyes too. We love them so and when they leave us, it tears away a small part of our hearts... He looked to be a most wonderful dog. |
YOUR FAMILY - 04/12/98 02:55:59 My Do you have pets?: OF COURSE If so, what kinds?: DOGS Do you show dogs?: NOT ANY MORE Where are you from?: INDIANA/OREGON | Comments: HEY CUZ' WE FINALLY GOT INTO YOUR URL: IT LOOKS NICE! MOM IS ALL EXCITED ... STAY IN TOUCH! NEXT TIME YOUR IN ARIZONA , STOP IN ! |
Kristine - 03/29/98 20:17:11 My URL: My Do you have pets?: YES If so, what kinds?: A Huskey and mini poodle Do you show dogs?: Starting in Jr. Where are you from?: Oregon | Comments: I haven't seen all of your pages but I know your dogs and it is probably FANTASTIC!!!!! I am going to look now. |
John - 03/12/98 15:03:55 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: a menagerie Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: USA | Comments: Awesome pages! Had to sign again to check out something! See you soon! |
Jan Miller - 03/02/98 08:01:39 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: Standard Poodles Do you show dogs?: Yes Where are you from?: Jacksonville, Or. | Comments: Cute toy.... |
Susan van Niekerk - 02/06/98 06:09:44 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: Standard Poodles (2), Miniature Poodle (1), Marine fish, Fresh water fish, Lovebird, Canary Do you show dogs?: Yes, in Obedience & breed Where are you from?: Republic of South Africa | Comments: Great page Sherlyn!! Great photos of Checkers. He is a stunning dog, I copied his picture and will print it out to be stuck up in my grooming room. |
Billie - 02/06/98 01:54:08 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: Toy Poodles Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: NC | Comments: Boo Boo truly was a precious Baby Doll. Banacek's story is so touching. I am so proud you took him back, and you were blessed tremendously with his love and companionship, as he was with the LOVE and CARE you gave him from your rescueing him from a bad situation. Forgive the run on sentences. I was really touched. Your furbabies are beautiful. |
Maureen Potts and Dita - 02/03/98 19:33:45 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: SP. MP Do you show dogs?: Obedience Where are you from?: El Paso | Comments: Just wanted to see your babies. |
Jaana Rinkinen - 02/02/98 06:24:00 My URL: My Do you have pets?: Oh yes..... If so, what kinds?: Poodles... lots of poodles... Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Finland | Comments: You have made a very special place for Your poodles! Very nice! |
Cathy Lemp - 02/02/98 04:07:21 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: Dogs and cats (and chickens, if that counts) Do you show dogs?: No. Where are you from?: From New York State; currently living on a little ranch outside the California foothill town of Sonora | Comments: This is a very beautiful, very touching place you have made. I admire your deep love for your glorious dogs and I'm glad I came here. |
Paulette Ariss - 02/02/98 03:03:35 My Do you have pets?: oh yes! If so, what kinds?: Grace,SP Andie,ShihTzu 2 guinea pigs and a goldfish Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Columbus,Ohio | Comments: What a lovely tribute to Checkers!He was Gorgeous! This is neat page.I enjoyed seeing everyboody. I'm also on PSG ,BTW! |
Eva LaGrisse - 02/02/98 00:37:00 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: poodles/birds Do you show dogs?: not presently Where are you from?: Minnesota USA | Comments: Hi, Sherry, just had to come visit again. Looking good. |
Gloria Walkley - 01/31/98 19:41:53 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: SP and MP Do you show dogs?: Yes-Riva, Cindy and Vavoom Where are you from?: Olympia, WA | Comments: Great page. Love your background, story and photos. |
Carol and Rob Reynolds - 01/19/98 01:14:00 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: standard poodle, toy poodle Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: portland, or | Comments: I loved the story about Checkers. Could not read the last paragraph, though. Maybe in a few years I can muster reading that last paragraph. Thanks for the great pictures, we loved them all! Chuck enjoyed them too! |
Edith Hankins - 12/29/97 01:52:54 My Do you have pets?: a few If so, what kinds?: Checkers daughter,& Grandkids, Tiff's Mom, Bro, Sister Do you show dogs?: They show me Where are you from?: Fantasia-poodleland | Comments: You are on my Favorite places. |
Dee Heisler - 12/28/97 15:24:33 My Email:you have it Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 2 cats and 1 dog Do you show dogs?: No Where are you from?: you know | Comments: |
David Aanderud - 12/25/97 06:36:42 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: my wife & poodles/cats Do you show dogs?: my wife does Where are you from?: Portland Or. | Comments: I LOVE YOU |
Margaret Andress - 12/17/97 06:04:24 My Do you have pets?: too many! If so, what kinds?: std pdls Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Colorado | Comments: Beautiful page and beautiful, obviously much loved, dogs. Thanks for sharing them with us. |
Audrey Hurdle - 12/13/97 18:31:21 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: SP's - two Do you show dogs?: nope Where are you from?: Santa Maria CA | Comments: I love "visiting" your poodles! And can't help but cry each time I read about Checkers, he was gorgeous. |
Ginger - 12/13/97 04:35:42 My URL: My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: standard poodle, 2 aquariums Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: VA | Comments: Your poodles are beautiful; really enjoyed your pages. The story of Checkers is very touching. Please stop by and visit our poodle pages. Ginger ![]() |
Tracey Davidson - 12/09/97 05:15:29 My URL: My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: 5 Miniature & 1 Standard Poodles Do you show dogs?: Yes in Canada Where are you from?: Canada | Comments: Love your page & links great job! |
Debbie Gibbons - 12/07/97 06:52:49 | Comments: I enjoyed your pages, Very nice photos-talk to you soon |
Jane & Simon - 11/29/97 16:27:59 | Comments: |
Holly A. Staelens - 11/27/97 03:14:40 My Do you have pets?: 3 dogs, 4 cats If so, what kinds?: 1 SP, 1 basset, 1 basset mix Do you show dogs?: Levi, my SP Where are you from?: NY | Comments: HI, I guess we know each other from PSG. Great web site! Holly |
Susan Lewis - 11/25/97 05:57:23 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 2 standards (black / cream) Do you show dogs?: Yes, in obedience & agility Where are you from?: Tulsa, OK | Comments: Loved your beautiful pictures - have only looked at " Checkers" so far & read his story with tears in my eyes. I know losing our babies is something we will all have to face someday. Stories like yours warm my heart. Thank you |
Judy Burch - 11/24/97 22:01:36 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 2 silver mini poodles Do you show dogs?: obedience Where are you from?: Indianapolis IN | Comments: Hi Sherlyn, I am on PSG and so far have just looked at Checker's page. I was very moved by his story, you were both so lucky to have each other!! Also with all the talk on PSG about gay tails, they should all look at Checker's tail to see what a tail should look like!!!!! Beautiful!!!!! Going on now to your other pages, but just had to write after seeing Checkers!! Judy Burch OTCh Pepper Rocky UD |
Patricia - 11/24/97 19:35:03 My URL: My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: 1 Black Standard and 1 Red Toy Poodle and 5 kittens Do you show dogs?: Not at the present time.... Hope to be able to again soon... Where are you from?: Texas | Comments:![]() ![]() |
Kristi Feltz - 11/24/97 18:10:34 My Email:feltz.kristi! Do you have pets?: Oh, boy. Yes! If so, what kinds?: Standard Poodles, border collies, canaries Do you show dogs?: not in conformation. Where are you from?: Iowa | Comments: Nice pages, and beautiful, beautiful dogs! Kristi & Murphy, WIld Poodle of the Prairie |
Winona Schelat Kuhl - 11/24/97 17:52:25 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: 1 Blue Std Poodle- 11 yr old, retired; 2 white male mini's - 4 & 5 yrs old Do you show dogs?: Yes - in obedience and hopefully soon in agility Where are you from?: Northeast Ohio, outside Akron | Comments: Your page is beautiful and your tribute to Checkers a real tear-jerker. I share a similar relationship with my 11 yr old retired female, Puff. She grieved with me thru the loss of two husbands, and I cannot imagine life without her. I had to retire her when she developed a blind spot in one eye and started refusing jumps, but she is helping raise the two little boys. Poodles are poodles - regardless of size. LUV 'EM!! |
Janine Greeno - 11/24/97 04:54:28 My Do you have pets?: Yes! If so, what kinds?: 2 black mini poodle girls and 2 male kitty cats Do you show dogs?: Yes! Where are you from?: Palm Desert, California | Comments: You have a beautiful web page . I enjoyed reading and seeing photos of your "kids". I cried when reading about Checkers. Will return to your page often to check on it's progress. |
Susan - 11/24/97 04:13:18 My Do you have pets?: Dogs If so, what kinds?: Standard Poodles Do you show dogs?: show and breed Where are you from?: Toronto Canada | Comments: This must have been a very hard piece to write I only hope when the time comes for me I will be able to do justice for one of my dogs in the manner that you have done for yours |
Maxine - 11/24/97 02:44:21 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: 1 miniature apricot-6 mos. old Do you show dogs?: No Where are you from?: Chicago area | Comments: I just loved reading your stories about your poodles. I had a 15 year old white male miniature who we had to put to sleep last March so I know how you felt about Checkers. Thanks for sharing such a lovely tribute. |
kim savor - 11/24/97 02:08:16 Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: 2 sps Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: british columbia | Comments: what a moving story about Checkers - thank you for sharing |
Dorothy Glovka - 11/22/97 05:14:55 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: SP,MP,birds,Angus Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: Estacada,Oregon | Comments: I love your page. I used to have Silver toys, now I have white, black and silver standards. I use Betty Brown in Texas to handle my dogs. Almost forgot minis also. |
SANDI K. SAVEDRA - 11/15/97 05:45:57 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: POODLES, IG'S Do you show dogs?: yes Where are you from?: SEASIDE, OREGON | Comments: Really like your web page, I love the Silvers also. |
Frances Coss - 11/13/97 18:16:00 My Do you have pets?: yes If so, what kinds?: One standard apricot, Tsilla and Daddy's dog, Lindsey a white 14 year old toy Do you show dogs?: Not yet Where are you from?: Frederick., Maryland | Comments: Your silver poodle photo is great. This has given me a good view of a puppy clip, one which I am learning presently. I hope to enjoy more of your informative messages, and learn much from them. |
Jim Thompson - 11/12/97 06:32:28 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: Oodles of Poodles & cats Do you show dogs?: Yes Where are you from?: San Francisco | Comments: |
Diane Whitehouse - 11/12/97 06:22:48 My Do you have pets?: Yes! If so, what kinds?: 5 poodles plus cats & horses Do you show dogs?: no Where are you from?: Central California | Comments: Love your pages and the heartfelt way you write about your poodles! One suggestion....on Checkers' page....a warning to have Kleenex handy would be good. What a beautiful friendship you shared with him. |
sharon smith - 11/10/97 17:11:27 | Comments: Hi, finally made it into your page.....are there other pages??? I only saw your home page... from Toys to Standards....I went the other way...from Standards to Toys!!! Sharon |
Susan van Niekerk - 11/10/97 06:06:14 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: 1 black miniature poodle, 2 black Standard poodle, marine fish, fresh water wish, lovebird & canary. Do you show dogs?: Yes, one standard poodle in breed (conformation) and one standard poodle in obedience Where are you from?: Port Elizabeth, South Africa | Comments: Really great page. I just love the name - Ounce of Bounce - very very cute. |
June Thompson - 11/10/97 04:28:18 My Do you have pets?: Yes If so, what kinds?: Standard Poodles and Cats Do you show dogs?: Yes,obedience ,too Where are you from?: Red Deer,Alberta,Canada | Comments: Checkers was a very special dog.I'm glad to have had the opportunity to "meet" him,through this tribute page. I can relate to the extra special bond you and Checkers had, Sherry. Cyber Hugs, June |
John and Melissa Box - 11/09/97 06:17:59 My URL: My Do you have Pets?: Just a couple Geographic location?: Central Oregon | Comments: Great page Sherry!! Keep up the good work. |