Unicorns! Dragons! Wizards! Science Fiction!
Unicorn 1


A Wizard...a Dragon or two...a Unicorn...an Enchantress... they are nearly always one or all of these present in a good Fantasy. Fantasies allow the reader to live in a totally new world for a while. Many offer humor and they are always filled with excitement and adventure. I particularly love the ones with all kinds of animals, real or otherwise.

"The Color of Magic" is the maiden voyage for Terry Pratchett through
the now legendary land of the Discworld. This book introduces the tourist
Twoflower and his wizard guide, Rincewind. In "The Light Fantastic" only
one individual can save the world but unfortunately that is Rincewind, who
was last seen falling off the edge of the world.
This book is a delight! In the picture is the greatest
mathematician in the world...the Discworld, that is;
flat, circular, and carried on the backs of four elephants,
who stand on the back of a giant turtle,ten thousand miles
long. A most hilarious fantasy, written by Terry Pratchet.

Finally together in one volume, the first three books in the world's most beloved science fiction series, THE DRAGONRIDERS OF PERN, by Anne McCaffrey, one of the great science fiction writers of all time: DRAGONFLIGHT, DRAGONQUEST, THE WHITE DRAGON. Those who know these extraordinary tales will be able to re-visit with Lessa, F'lar, Ruth, Lord Jaxon, and all the others. And for those just discovering this magical place, there are incomparable tales of danger, deceit, and daring.

Bestselling author Anne McCaffrey's astonishing world of the Dragonriders of Pern has captured the hearts and minds of over 4 million science fiction readers. Now, new fans and old can relive the magic of the first three Dragonriders books--all in one omnibus edition.

Harry Potter, the plucky yet nerdy hero of this series, is the embodiment of every uncool kid's fantasy. Unpopular in school, picked on by bullies, and persecuted by his adoptive family, the disheveled and bespectacled Harry manages to not only survive but thrive by discovering friends, magical powers, and a great destiny he never knew he had.

Soon Harry finds himself attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he receives training in some magic basics, masters riding a broomstick, and discovers his incredible talent for a game called Quidditch, which is played in the air on flying brooms. And for the first time in his life, Harry has friends who care about him: his fellow students Hermione and Ron and a giant named Hagrid. But all is not rosy when Harry discovers his true destiny and finds he must once again face the evil one who killed his parents. His survival will depend upon the help of his newfound friends, as well as his own wit and powers.

Rat God
Hollywood...1923. Cassandra Flamande,
sultry vamp of the Silver Screen and proud owner of three
spoiled Pekingese dogs, recieves a warning that an ancient
devil-god has selected her for his bride. This book is a great
read...it has a little violence but the picture shown here
and the synopsis do not adequately convey the humor in the
story. It is written by Barbara Hambly and I love all her
writing...this is just my personal favorite.


Five years since the lights went out, cars stopped in the streets, and magical creatures began roaming the towns and countrysides of Earth. Steven R. Boyett wrote one of my favorite fantasies about a Unicorn named Ariel and her "friend" Pete Garey, a young loner who survived the Change.

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Updated Sept 21, 2005