WorldDal - the Computerised Dalmatian Pedigree Database Project

What is WorldDal ?
WorldDal is the project of a number of enthusiasts from around the world dedicated to compiling Dalmatian pedigree and other related information onto a computerised database.
What is it's Purpose ?
The aim is to create a useful and versatile database which will display pedigree and other related information on any Dalmatian used in an officially registered breeding program and/or that have gained (or are working towards) their Championship or other recognised titles.
WorldDal uses a dedicated Pedigree Software program called Breed Mate. The ability of this program to display photographs of individual dogs on specially designed information sheets which can also be printed out further adds to it's usefulness. What other uses does the program have ?
The program used also enables the printing of very attractive four and five generation Pedigree forms, as well as research forms showing 8 generations (over 500 ancestors on the one page).
These particular forms can be configured to display bloodline percentages and other vital information to further assist the serious researcher (colour, hearing status and hipscores, etc.) depending, of course, that such information is supplied to us by breeders and owners! Breed Mate can also be easily configured to indicate the pedigrees of proposed matings.
The program can also be used to store your complete breeding records.How can I get information from WorldDal ?
A specific enquiry sent to any WorldDal compiler will be answered. Requests for hardcopy Pedigrees or Trial Mating sheets may incur a small charge to cover the cost of printing and postage etc.
WorldDal was originally developed solely for the private enjoyment and use by the compilers however increasing numbers of enquiries for information and comments from serious breeders indicates that the database would be a worthwhile tool for their own research purposes and as an aid to the location of future suitable breeding prospects.
In view of this we anticipate the entire WorldDal database will be released publicly at some future point in time however a good deal of work needs to be done before this eventuates.How can I contribute information to WorldDal ?
Copies of any pedigrees and other documented related information (Championship or obedience titles etc., registration & microchip/tattoo numbers, eye & coat colour, hipscores, hearing tests, etc.) may be sent at any time.
Non-returnable photographs or scanned computerised images (preferably Bitmap format) may also be supplied.
Please note: Due to space limitations household pets and neutered or spayed Dallies which have not been used for breeding are excluded.
If you have been provided with an extract of the WorldDal database, please ensure the details are correct, amend where required, include any additional information not already noted and return to the originating compiler. Please use a red or blue pen for all amendments and additional information supplied on paper documents.

Any contribution you are able to make is gratefully received and highly appreciated!

Where do I send the information ?
to: rodwells@hunterlink.net.au
Rod Wells (Bemara Dalmatians)
International: Phone: +61 49 30 4703 Fax: +61 49 30 4862
From within Australia: Phone: (049) 30 4703 Fax: (049) 30 4862
© Rod Wells, 1997. All rights reserved.
Page last updated 02 May 1997.