Ilion Alumni-All Classes/Sesquicentennial Mega-Reunion October 11, 12, 13 - 2002
Alumni JamFest and Multi-Party Celebrations at Herkimer County Community College
Friday and Saturday Evenings - October 11 and 12, 2002
Post Reunion Meeting - Sunday, October 20 - 7 pm - Municipal Bldg. Auditorium
All interested parties were invited to attend the mega-reunion meetings!
In December of 2002, the Ilion Central School District expects to near completion of a $32 million building project, which includes major additions to the high school facility. As part of the year long Sesquicentennial Celebration and to celebrate the district's building project, plans are beginning for a Super-Sized All-Class reunion scheduled Columbus Day Weekend, Fall 2002. This celebration is an open invitation to all alumni (graduates or not) of IHS, foreign exchange students, retired and current faculty & staff, family and friends.
- JamFest - 2003 If you missed the MegaReunion, here's your chance to experience what others raved about. It's a Reunion 'Reunion' of Ilion's rockin' musicians scheduled for July 2003 during 'Ilion Days'. Click here for all the details. (April 10, 2003)
- Reunion - Post Reunion Comments
- Reunion - Photographs
- Reunion - MSNBC - WKTV Story
The village of Ilion Sesquicentennial Committee fund-raising headquarters, which opened on July 1, will become the Ilion Mega Reunion Headquarters in Eckerd's Mall for the month of August. Recent updated lists of those registered for the reunion will be posted in the windows. A collection of Ilion Central School memorabilia will be on display. Information regarding the upcoming October MegaReunion will also be on hand. A variety of Sesquicentennial souvenirs, gifts, home decorations, heirloom
collections, including shirts, prints, cups and ornaments will be
offered. Registration Forms for the Mega Reunion will be available. Reunion Volunteers are needed to help during the hours that the Sesquicentennial/MegaReunion headquarters are open. Call Alice and Don Hall, at 894-4566, for more information on volunteering your time to help the reunion committee. Just a few hours of your time would be greatly appreaciated. (August 4, 2002)
- Hotels/Motels If you need a hotel/motel, see the Hotels/Motels references. (August 10, 2002)
- Alumni Art Show Display your art work. See the Schedule for details. (August 30, 2002)
- Reunion Golf Tournament You must be registered for the Mega-Reunion to play in the Golf Tournament planned for Saturday, October 12 at Doty's Golf Course. See the Schedule for details. (August 11, 2002)
- Incomplete Class Lists We did not receive complete class lists for the following classes. Therefore, alumni in these classes may not have received a Reunion Newsletter or registration form. A registration form can be obtained on this web site and at the Ilion Public Library. Please notify any member of these classes who you think may have been missed in our bulk mailing.
1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1944, 1953, 1959, 1961, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1980 thru 1985, 1987, 1992 thru 2002 (June 2, 2002)
We are expecting 1000+ alumni and guests to attend reunion weekend. The Official Reunion Newsletter was mailed the first week of May. Only alumni who were on official class lists, as of April 12, 2002, received the newsletter. We posted the list of people who should have received the Newsletter. If you know of a classmate, relative, or friend whose name/address does not appear on the list, please notify these people of the upcoming reunion. Anyone missing from the list can obtain a registration form, from this web site, to mail in with payment. Many thanks to Jean Keddell Maneen '65 and Barb Keddell Griffin '67 for creating the newsletter. Bob Stubbs '75, we couldn't have done it without you! We are grateful for the assistance of Ken Long for helping us to get the newsletter printed in such a timely manner. And a huge thank you to all the alumni who turned out to help fold, tab and label these newsletters! Now it's up to the rest of you to send in your money as soon as possible. (May 3, 2002)
- We will accept registrations until we reach capacity. Don't delay and risk being cutoff - Print out and send in your OFFICIAL MEGA-REUNION REGISTRATION FORM. (August 30, 2002)
- Learn more about the Ilion Central School District Foundation's Commemorative Engraved Brick Paver Fundraising Project (April 19, 2002)
- See who mailed in payments with the actual Reunion Registration Forms - Attendees List
- See who submitted Online Survey Form
- Schedule of Events. [being updated as plans are made]
- Online Donation Form - accepting donations NOW to help with start-up costs
- Donors - be the first from your class on the list!
- Class Size Counts 1940 - 2002
- Enthusiastic Responses To Date
- Count Me In Volunteers - we need missing class representatives now - make sure your class is represented by someone in the Ilion area
- Possible Class Contacts - List of Alumni who may have provided class lists.
- Oldest Living Alumnus - We are looking for the oldest living alumnus. If you have an idea who it may be, please use the following form to send that person's name, class year and address to the Reunion Committee.
This once in a lifetime celebration can only occur with help from you. Please send in your ideas and volunteer to help make this happen by using the Mega-Reunion Committee's Volunteer/Feedback Submission Form.
We will welcome any representatives from any of the classes!