The IHS Alumni contestants, in the Ilion Days 1997 Bloomin' Crazy Contest, were:
Container - Otsego Street entrance to Fays parking lot
Dedication: In Memory of Ray Johnson, Sr.
sponsor: Ray & Lisa (Lamanna) Johnson
Container - First & Morgan Street
Dedication: In Memory of Bonnie Dekin - Class of 1966
sponsor: Peter & Kathy Donahue & family Class of 1966
Container - Box Planter - Pedestrian Mall
Dedication: Village Beautification
sponsor: Cookie (Class of 1982)
& Allison Ganey
Container - Box Planter - Pedestrian Mall
Dedication: Village Beautification
sponsor: Jean Ganey - Class of 1959
Great American Flower Bed
Dedication: Village Beautification
sponsor: Class of 1967 - Melinda Marley & Class of 1977 - Meg Marley-Liberty
Front of Police Station
Dedication: In Memory of Dr. Jeffery Seymour - Class of 1983
sponsor: Lennox & Day Inc., Bill Lennox, '64 - and the Class of 1975's Greg Day & Mary Coffin Day, Class of 1982.
Library - Second Street
Dedication: In honor of Patrick 'Wayne' Murphy from the Class of 1958, - retired Central New York Developmental Service Organization employee
sponsor: Frankfort Developmental Service Organization (DSO) Day Treatment Program
Union Soldier Monument - Otsego Street
Dedication: In memory of Dr. Theodore R. Carney - Class of 1936
sponsor: Ted Carney Class of 1981
Otsego & John Street park
Dedication: Village Beautification
sponsors: George & Yvonne Calicchia
Dave, Carol-Calicchia, Natale & Elizabeth Lennon - Class of 1976
Peter, Jane-Calicchia Class of 1979, Jaime, Kelly & Daniel North
Doty's & Moose Club Signs bed - West Main Street
West Side of Barringer Road
Dedication: In memory of 24 year old, Greg Lloyd -
an innocent victim of DWI accident
sponsor: Rich Pettingill