It all started in the fall of 1967 when we, the senior class first met, and began our climb to the year 1971 and our graduation.
As freshmen, everyone was busy making new friends and trying to impress the upper classmen. Early in the year, Carol Palmer, was elected as Jr. High Senate President. Homeroom presidents representing the Freshmen class were: Bob Braren, Chris Gorman, Mike Bouck, John Gadziala, Stuart Strife, and Alton Donahue.
Selected to represent our class and school at All -County was Judy Abeline, Tammy Ashley, Marilyn Kalthoff, Denise Wengert, Rich Denny, Jim Mack, Bob Applegate, Alton Donahue, John Leniek, Dennis Maxfield, Denise Sorenson, Roger Chambers, and Sarah Pierce.
As part of the Winter Canival our class added ten dollars to the treasury when we won third prize in the snow sculpture event.
Before we knew it the Junior Prom, "Candyland," was upon us and some excited Freshmen boys and girls were chosen to serve. Dressed as little girls and boys, they added something special to the prom. Along with Spring, came class games. The Freshmen team played a hard fought game, but decided to keep tradition and let the Sophomores win.
Cheering tryouts came and Colleen Manion and Carol Palmer represented our class on the Junior Varsity Cheering Squad.
As Freshmen, our last job was to elect of officers for the coming year. Tom Goldin was elected President; Ross Raymond, Vice-President; Bob Hoffman, Secretary; and Mary Ellen Monohan, Treasurer. This started things rolling for our Sophomore year. After a wild campaign, Bill O'Brien was elected as Secretary of Student Council.
After what seemed a short summer, we began our Sophomore year with Mrs. Teeter as our class advisor. Representing the Sophomore class in the Senior High Student Council were Bob Applegate, Barb Boucher, Alice Comins, Carl Marhaver, Carol Palmer, John Richards and Stuart Strife. Chosen as an extra member of Student Council was Iva Gage.
Dennis Maxfield was honored by being elected President of N.J.H.S. Also Tammy Ashley was chosen Sophomore Attendant at the Sadie Hawkins dance.
Next came tryouts for All-County and All-State. For Band we were represented by Barb Boucher and Sharon Reynolds, for Orchestra Nancy Scherba, Teresa Lane, Lynn Bluett, and Sarah Pierce, and for Chorus Jim Mack, Tammy Ashley, Tom Duffy, Judy Abeline, Rich Denny, Alton Donahue, and Bob Applegate.
With basketball games, came the sophomore coat check. It proved very successful and we averaged about ten dollars a game. By the end of the basketball season we had added $88 more to our treasury.
We took a chance by hiring an unfamiliar band from Syracuse to play at our Sophomore Hop. The Carniage was an excellent band and the dance was a lot of fun and a great success.
Our next Winter Carnival proved to be more organized and more fun. Mary Ellen Monohan was chosen as Sophomore Attendant. Our class snow sculpture was a washing machine with the hand of the Action Giant symbolizing the "Class of Action." For some reason the judges didn't appreciate it. This will always be one of fondest memories.
In March, Orpheus put on the musical " Oklahoma. " From our class, lead rolls were played by: Dennis Maxfield as Curly, Marilyn Kalthoff as Aunt Eller, and Judy Abeline as Gertie. Others in the chorus were Tammy Ashley, Barb Boucher, Denise Wengert, Beth Lynch, Bob Hoffman, Cherie Greene, Debbie Lawerence, Larry Mead, Bob Applegate, Jack Eller, Jeff Rheinhardt, Jane Sullivan and Colleen Moran. Dancers were Cindy Raux, Dianne Southwick, Judy Weeden, Jan Forbes Denise Sorenson, Pam Cashman, Tom Duffy, Jim Mack, and Karen Entwistle.
Class games were soon here again. We played a close game but soundly beat the Freshman class.
The cheerleaders, in white shorts and various colored sweatshirts, cheered our team to a victory.
Next came cheering tryouts and Collen Manion represented us on the Varsity Squad. We also had five girls chosen for the J.V. Squad. They were Tammy Ashley, Pat Backer, Carol Palmer, Mary Richards, and Barb Tomei.
We now began to look forward to our Junior year. Stuart Strife was elected in an exciting election as Vice President of Student Council.
Class elections then took place and Mary Monohan was elected President along with John Richards as Vice-President, Bob Applegate as Treasurer and Bill O'Brien as Secretary.
Now as Juniors our climb to 1971 and our graduation seemed more of a reality. Elected to represent our class in Student Council were Carl Marhaver, John Janicki, Larry Mead, Mike Bouck, Alice Comins, Rick Tyner, and Tom Goldin. Also selected members were Carol Palmer, Kiki Goodman, and Mary Keddell.
As juniors, our next task was a magazine sale and we made close to $1,000. Layne LaDue was high salesman and received a radio.
Selected for Conference All-State Choir were Dennis Maxfield and Marilyn Kalthoff. Barb Boucher was selected to play in the wind ensemble.
Marking the end of football season, traditional Homecoming festivities were enjoyed. The Juniors' float consisted of a seven foot football surrounded by mock king and queen crowns. John Leniek was chairman and did an excellent job of creating and directing the floats construction. We still don't know what happened to the judges' decision, but we had fun making it.
Another project of the Junior class was to run a Concession stand during basketball games. Headed by Iva Gage and Larry Mead, it was hard work, but it also proved a great success.
In mid-winter our third Winter Carnival was held. Tammy Ashley was chosen as Junior Attendant. Everyone worked hard on the snow sculpture, but judges still weren't too enthused over our idea.
Our class was proud of Denise Wengert who received Musician of the Month award from the Optimist Club. Also we were proud of the fact that Chuck Leitz and Bob Bennett both won the Iroquois League wrestling crown in their weight classes.
It was again time for class games. Again, only because of tradition, we allowed the Seniors to slip by us and slightly win the game, but we had a great time with the skit. Dressed as Indians, the cheerleaders cheered our guys to an almost victory.
The highest honor any student in senior high can receive is to be inducted into National Honor Society. The following members of our class were inducted. Mary Monohan, Tim Carter, Dave Grygiel, Greg Kubala, Stuart Strife, Bob Applegate, Marcia Collins, Alice Comins, Kathy Rooke, Judy Abeline, Iva Gage, Martha Ellis, Denise Wengert, Kerry Lee.
The most exciting event of our Junior year was the "Junior Prom." After many wild themes that were suggested, "An Evening in Venice" was selected. Roberta Pederson and Bob Applegate were co-chairmen. With the artistic works of John Leniek and Marilyn Kalthoff the gym soon looked like a typical cafe in Venice, complete with a canal and gondola. Just about everyone in the class worked hard to make our prom the most beautiful and successful prom that Ilion High School has had for a longtime.
That same month cheering tryouts were held. Colleen Manion, Carol Palmer, Tammy Ashley, Pat Baker and Cindy Raux won places on the Varsity Squad for our Senior year.
Our last duty as Juniors was to elect two hard workers to represent us as President and Treasurer of Student Council, for our Senior year. Stuart Strife was elected President and Bob Bennett was elected Treasurer. Also Bob Applegate was appointed parliamentarian.
At the very end of our Junior year, four of our classmates were selected to Girls' and Boys' State. They were Alice Comins, Bob Applegate, Stuart Strife, and Chuck Leitz.
With three down and one to go, our biggest and most important year was about to begin with our new class advisors Mr. Fahey and Mr. McTiernan. Elected as homeroom Presidents were: Ned Bohr, Carol Palmer, Joe Murray, Steve Bereza, Alice Comins, John Richards, and John Janicki.
The 1970 football team led by tri-captains Bill Volo, Joe Murray, and Bob Bennett. Our football programs committee was headed by Colleen Manion this year. The programs produced were passed out at each home game and were enjoyed by all, even the visiting teams.
The job of our Senior class was to run the concession stand at the football games, while our team was on the field winning. Don Yule headed the committee and many members of the class worked on it.
To wind up the football season was Homecoming '70. Chairman of the event was Carol Palmer. At the pep rally on Friday, Bill Volo and Evie Griffith were chosen king and queen. Finally the judges came to their senses and after three years of trying to win a float or snow sculpture contest. We succeeded in placing first with our "Bomb the Knights" float! John Leniek again outdid himself with an eight foot airplane that made the float. The traditional victory dance, to wind up homecoming '70, was highlighted by Bill and Evie's dance - - "they could have danced all night."
At the present time we are enjoying basket ball games and wrestling matches. Co-captains for basketball are Stuart Strife and Kurt Hartman. Co-Captains for wrestling are Bob Bennett and Chuck Leitz.
We are presently hearing of acceptances for many students to the college of their choice. A few awards have already been presented. Kathy Rooke and Bob Applegate received Letters of Commendation for National Merit Scholarship. Alice Comins received the DAR award for good citizenship. Greg Kubala received the Bauch and Lomb Science Award. In addition, we the class of 1971 are proud to have nineteen members that received Regents Scholarships and four who were named alternates.
We are still looking forward to the remaining sport events, Winter Carnival, Class Games, Dress-Up Day, Dress-Down Day, Paint Night, Senior Assembly and most of all graduation 1971. When June 1971 arrives, although we will end our memorable high school years, we will be taking our first step towards our hopefully bright and successful future.