Action Alert:

Stop torturous monkey experiments before they start!

Please see addresses to write to object at the end of the message.

University of Arizona

Frazier Wilson, Peter De Weerts, and Lynn Nadel will soon be cutting into the brains of living monkeys and they hope you don't find out.

Inside sources at the University of Arizona have alerted animal

advocates that a new series of experiments are being planned on the

university campus. According to university sources, one of the

researchers has been openly derisive of animal welfare laws and

complained about not being allowed to perform repeated survival

surgeries on single animals.

The planned research on vision and learning will use rhesus monkeys and

involve significant stereotaxic procedures, brain lesions and placement of

electrodes into the monkey's brains, according to sources.

Students have been ordered not to discuss the lab or the experiments

publicly or to even admit to the lab's existence.

What you can do:

Contact the researchers and let them know that you are bothered by

their plans

Peter De Weerds


Phone: (520) 626 2609

De Weerds is a recent addition to the university staff. He has been

associated with the Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, National

Institutes of Mental Health during which he wrote, "To identify the

neural mechanisms necessary for visual attention, we made restricted

lesions, affecting different quadrants of the visual field but leaving

one quadrant intact, in extrastriate cortical areas V4 and TEO of two

monkeys. Monkeys were trained to discriminate the orientation of a

target grating surrounded by distracters."

Frazier Wilson


Phone: (520) 626-2374/626-2380

Check out Wilson's work:

"My research involves neurophysiological recordings in animals

performing cognitive tasks, and the effect of brain damage in people.

The objective is to define how sets of neurons accomplish what we

experience as the perception and knowledge of the visual world, and our

memories of it."

Lynn Nadel


Phone: (520) 621-7449

"[My] work employs standard behavioral techniques in combination with

either experimentally induced brain damage."

2. Contact the university and request that the research be cancelled.


Holly Smith, Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences

email: (

office_phone: (520) 621-1112

office_address: Douglass Building: room 200w

Richard Powell, Vice President of Research

email: (rcpowell@Arizona.EDU)

office_phone: (520) 621-3513

office_address: Administration: room 601

Peter Litkins, University of Arizona President

email: (

office_phone: (520) 621-5511

office_address: Administration: room 712

3. Write a letter to the editor of the Tucson Citizen newspaper at:

mail to:

4. Write a letter to the editor of the Tucson Weekly:

5. Write a letter to the editor of the school newspaper, the Wildcat:

6. Pass this alert onto anyone you know in Arizona, UA alumni, and to

anyone who might be motivated to take action.

For additional information:

Rick Bogle

In Defense of Animals

(415) 388 9641 x19