Harmony Hill - 12/24/00 05:46:12
My URL:http://www2.datasync.com/star
My Email:star@datasync.com
Gospel Music for the Glory of God.
AL DUNCAN - 12/05/00 21:31:43
Herb Clark - 12/02/00 01:40:31
My Email:hlclark@informatics.net
I wish to view your page.I am a lay minister. am always willing to learn more.
PAM REED - 10/31/00 01:16:43
Larry Davidson - 10/29/00 22:12:38
My URL:http://www.tscws.com
My Email:reval8r@juno.com
Greetings in the name of our Savior, Yahshua! Great site brother. Thanks for help promoting the truth of HIS WORD. I too am a student of SCN and have study with the ministry for 10 years. I have just start a Christian Web Services to help promote Christia
sites. You maybe interested in some of our FREE Christian Web Services to help promote your site. Feel free to add your site to our Christian search engine, join our top25 program or our Christian Links Exchange. We also offer hosting for your guestbooks
webrings, mailing list, voter polling and more. There are no banners or links to sites that are none Christian displayed on your site. Keep up the good work for HIM and be Blessed!!!
David - 10/15/00 22:36:44
My Email:cohendavem@aol.com
I like your site. I view the Shepherds Chapel. I'm alwas looking for more people who believe as I do to learn from or just chat with. The studies on this site are Quite helpful.
e.hampton - 10/05/00 17:41:23
My Email:cjmick70@hotmail.com
thank you!!
W.I.S.E. INTERNET GOSPEL RADIO - 09/21/00 06:36:09
My URL:http://www.wordisspirit.net
My Email:wordisspirit@earthlink.net
Thank You for the invite .
Mark Jedrzejczyk - 09/19/00 04:47:57
My URL:http://www.alpha-omega.f2s.com
My Email:mark_jedrzejczyk@tayloru.edu
Just stopped by! Take a look at my site!
Monroe Stone - 09/07/00 18:05:23
My Email:monroestone@netzero.net
Thank God for this site.
BISHOP AL - 09/06/00 01:05:18
Richard Dains - 09/05/00 23:33:04
My Email:RDains7528@aol.com
Jane - 08/29/00 19:41:44
My Email:twosoulsister1225@yahoo.com
I am trying to find a scripture about tatoo's. My daughter-in law wants to get one and I want to show her that she should not.
Roger Lange - 08/09/00 16:27:36
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/TEAMCOAT/
My Email:coatscvc@sunweb.co.za
Beautiful site, makes me want to learn html. Our site is small and reasonably new, It would a great pleasure if you would visit it and send us a comment.
God bless you in your Ministry,
Roger Lange
Sun City Village Church South Africa
Mary Owens - 07/01/00 23:31:41
My Email:www.mewinters99@hotmail.com
I love the format of your website I just happened on to it. when I was looking up the history of symrna for my teaching. Please look at our churhes website at elcentroharvesttime.org. I think you will enjoy it.
Bobby Conrad Ndossoka - 06/13/00 18:49:33
My Email:bndossoka@angiosonics.com
I really enjoye reading the spiritual passages from your website. I think I would like to read more and take advantage of this opportunity to continue my quest to become on with Christ. Believe in his word and live a wonderful life filled with the holy
host, love my husband as Christ love the church. Thank You
Samuel E. Talley - 06/01/00 12:19:15
My Email:sam7@swbell.net
God Bless
Mary Perera - 05/29/00 03:37:10
My Email:map1981@hotmail.com
Elaine - 05/26/00 13:38:36
My URL:/upcomingshow_2000/ElainesPages.html
My Email:elainesfas@aol.com
Was surfing the net and found your site... So glad to see the truth going out. Visit me when you can... Keep up the good work!
Samuel Horton - 05/20/00 06:04:03
My URL:http://none
My Email:secondtonone@wetv.net
I enjoyed your site.
Sherrika Howard - 05/11/00 16:57:17
My Email:Sahowar@g.w.orl.ilstu.edu
I got a great blessing being in your web sight. I love the Lord with all of my heart and keep up the good work. Pray for me as I do the same for you!!!
God Bless You
Gary LeFevere - 04/19/00 21:45:20
My Email:seedplanter@ia4u.net
I was just surfing the web looking for truth. Its
good to find it. I like keeping in touch with others that walk by faith. It can get lonely planting seeds among the lost. I know thats our job and im not complaining, its just good to share thoughts with like minded brothers and sisters. IN The True
hrist Gary
Anthony Barnes - 04/12/00 02:12:45
My Email:abarnes@ameritech.net
I thank you for this site. The truth of God's word has been clouded by the traditions of man to the degree that most 'Christians' do not know why they do the things they do, such as easter, which is pagan. I study the Word, taking it back to the original
languages in which it was written. There you find the truth because the english translations are somewhat misleading. May God continue to prosper you in bringing forth the truth and clear away the rituals and traditions the so many good people are lost
n. If they knew what they were really doing they would be ASHAMED.
Anthony Kritko - 03/04/00 00:34:30
My Email:drkritko@bellsouth.net
Hi Frank,
Sorry i did not say bye before leaving. Will send new email and phmber when i get setup.
Your friend anthony
Gail - 03/01/00 02:33:03
Thank you Lord for leading me here. I hunger and thirst for truth. Bless this ministry, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Steve & Debbie Rang - 02/07/00 05:59:48
My Email:rrangang@aol.com
Very much enjoyed your website! Wonderful to see the truth reaching the internet! God Bless!
NEIL MARTIN - 01/30/00 01:25:50
My URL:http://www.cwds.cc
My Email:webmaster@cwds.cc
Jan H. - 01/16/00 01:04:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/5504/alinks/alinks.html
Nice web site. Very interesting and informative. I enjoyed my visit! God Bless
Patsy Knight - 01/06/00 20:41:56
My Email:patsy.knight@technicolor.com
Chris - 11/21/99 06:35:29
My Email:roughneck28@hotmail.com
Your site rocks! I'm a SC student and I really like the info on your site.Keep up the good work.
Tiffany Corona - 11/08/99 04:14:20
My Email:Tiffc34@hotmail.com
great website
KAROLYN - 11/01/99 04:01:59
My Email:karolc47@yahoo
Eliz Young - 10/21/99 13:39:52
My URL:http://members.aol.com/heneliz
My Email:heneliz@aol.com
Hello Pastor Frank,
I came to your site by way of the Top 25 Christian site list.I wanted to check out your site to see what made it #1 for quite some time.
I see very clearly now...It is based on the truth of God's word...as mine is.May God continue to bless your ministry and you! Please check out my site as well.I am currently listed at #2.Glory be to God!!!May the truth of God continue to go forth!!!
In Christ's service
Lynn - 09/16/99 19:29:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/estates/7841
My Email:smidgit@netscape.net
I enjoyed myself at your site. Come by and visit me.
Dr. Ken Matto - 09/15/99 23:21:31
My URL:http://www.scionofzion.com
My Email:kmatto@earthlink.net
Pastor Frank,
It is good to see another brother who uses the King James Version of the Bible. Keep up the stand for the truth and we will take souls from the evil pornographers who want to saturate the Internet with their filth. Keep the Faith and give it away.
Darryl Minner - 07/22/99 15:53:43
My Email:dminner@sheltonbbs.com
Cindy - 07/07/99 14:30:29
My Email:tcm725@juno.com
Christopher Kiwanga - 07/02/99 09:12:31
My Email:Kiwanga@hotmail.com
jackie stephens - 06/17/99 05:54:41
My Email:pches@bellsouth.net
a born again christian of 2months . seeking all the knowledge i can about my father....
mark mac - 05/20/99 20:30:58
My Email:Spank@mhonline.net
The truth is wonderfull.I have been serching for the truth for a while now,and my god is showing me somethings.As a kid i was tautht many lies.Its hard to get away from them,I just need more understanding about the word of god.which in turn will make me s
ronger.I would like to send some money to you that teaches the truth.If that's ok.
ps god bless
We do not solicit nor except contributions. Our work is free to all who will use it to further Christian beliefs. This answer is personally from Pastor Frank
Hendrina Smith (mrs) - 05/14/99 07:32:09
My URL:http://www.price-forbes.co.za
My Email:hendrina.smith@price-forbes.co.za
I have enjoyed reading the bible verses this morning and they have inspired me to help others
and strengthen my belief.
Hazel Cramer - 05/08/99 16:23:52
My Email:Hcramer99@aol.com
Your presentation is very good. I liked the music, and the scriptures you gave. I am a member of the Church of the Open Bible which has a web site also on the internet. I like to compare doctrines,thoughts, etc concerning God's Holy Word. I may not agr
e with everything.
lamar dice - 05/08/99 05:52:05
My Email:ldice@netscape.net
is pre tribulation rapture wishful thinking? if not then why did jesus not speak of it in the books of the gospels.
Bev - 04/22/99 22:16:12
My Email:baleo@jett.net
Praise Jesus for your website. I usually study with Arnold Murray but he has nothing written on the internet. I am sending all that I printed to my son who is in the military in Germany waiting to be deployed to Kosovo. Please pray for Steve and his ne
wife, Sylvia. Thank you dear one.
w don adams - 04/19/99 01:02:31
My Email:wdon@mindspring.com
Ed Carey - 04/04/99 13:01:45
My Email:ecarey@caulk.com
Love it! Thank you!
Jeana Mckee - 04/01/99 23:47:21
My Email:davidmckee@c-gate.net
Keep up the good work!
Rev. Reginald E. Kerr - 03/20/99 13:24:14
My Email:Rev0254ker@aol.com
To God be the Glory, for your web pages. This a blessing for believer and non believers to get Our Lord and Savoir WORDS. May God keep his blessing upon you in JESUS BLESSES NAME.
Ronnie - 02/16/99 02:32:03
My Email:rclark7@bellsouth.net
Hi Fank
from:Ronnie, Wahnda, Jonathon, and Stephen Clark
doc anthony kritko - 02/08/99 23:27:29
My Email:dr_k_life@msn.com
God bless you.
will see you this weekend.
Ronnie clark - 02/07/99 03:16:02
Hello frank
Ronnie,Wahnda,Jonathon&Stephen clark
Francine - 02/04/99 06:40:59
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ParadiseDr/huniegirl/index.html
My Email:Fay4024@aol.com
Very Enlightening! I truely loved your site! You are giving so much to the world through this site. You have been truely blessed by the Holy Spirit! God's word being reached by so many through the W.W.W. sis such a gift! Thank you for giving so much!
shirley - 02/02/99 03:42:57
My Email:magig@webtv.net
thank you for your help.
shirley - 02/02/99 03:33:51
My Email:magig@webtv.net
thank you for your help.
Peter E. Cobb - 01/20/99 07:06:18
My Email:cobb@etcrier.net
Well, I haven't really looked yet, but I want too.
Anthony - 01/01/99 15:55:10
My URL:http://geocities/Heartland/Pointe/5581
My Email:dr_k_life@msn.com
Happy new Year Pastor Frank :)
God Bless You
Dr. Anthony Kritko - 01/01/99 01:51:57
My Email:dr_k_life@msn.com
Happy New Year Paster Frank.
May you receive many blessings in the new year.
Bert C. Williams - 12/13/98 22:33:45
My Email:bertwilliams@worldnet.att.net
Hello frank I got yuor message
LOIS MEADOWS - 12/13/98 02:47:19
My Email:4indiana@gte.net
Lester Shuping - 11/19/98 05:30:18
My URL:http://www.israelthechurch.com
My Email:israel@salisbury.net
Your Site Is Very Well Done, I Especially Liked The Music. Thank You!
In HIS Service, † † †
Lester Shuping
Director, Information Services
Pastor Frank - 11/17/98 01:49:17
My URL:http://members.truepath.com/frgoing/index.html
My Email:frgoing@frgoing.org
Visit backup mirror page.
mark d abshire - 10/30/98 22:51:28
My Email:mdbc143@a0l.com
James H. Going - 10/12/98 02:32:00
Looks good little brother
Vincent Sorrentino - 08/11/98 11:59:14
My Email:sorrentino@iname.com
Love your web-site!! Praise to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for giving Him the glory. Without a picture of you on the web page..
chris - 07/17/98 19:27:39
My URL:http://www.erols.com/csey
My Email:csey@erols.com
God bless. Keep up the nice work.
SNGoing - 06/19/98 17:00:43
Hi, I was very impressed. So much so I had to come back.
SNGoing - 06/19/98 16:57:09
Larry LaCaze - 06/16/98 15:42:17
My Email:Larry_Lacaze@BC.com
Thank you
Mark Wooley - 06/16/98 05:07:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/2200
My Email:mekew@hotmail.com
I liked your website! I am a youth/music minister in Maryville, Tennessee who has recently built a site called A Family Place, where we provide links, games, and news for the whole family. You have given me some great ideas! Keep up the great work!
Dr. Anthony Kritko - 06/14/98 02:48:26
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/5581
My Email:dr_k_life@msn.com
Great page and music God bless you!
Audrey - 05/16/98 00:58:10
My Email:audjms@neworld.net
Just found you. I enjoyed going through your visitors comments.
God bless you!!
dr_k_life - 05/06/98 23:22:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/5581
My Email:Comments:
signed 5-6-98
great page
Rev. William J. Whatley - 04/24/98 15:43:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/hills/8335
My Email:william@trib.com
Been visiting your pages. I am from Mississippi before moving to Laramie, Wyoming. Please pay us a visit and see our Sermon Page.
God bless
Skiles Montague - 04/12/98 12:06:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Baja/1903/
My Email:montague@juno.com
I enjoyed your homepage. Please take a moment to visit my site:
Please e-mail me, montague@juno.com, if you would like to exchange banners.
zev - 04/11/98 22:34:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/8853/
My Email:zev@thevision.net
your banner popped up at my website. nice website! i've bookmarked it. your word study on "marks" was really interesting. you may be glad to know that my pastor teaches on every verse of the Bible. his method is "precept upon precept, line upon line" (verse by verse) through the whole of the Bible. we are currently in Isaiah at chapter 58.
i'm a Messianic Jew and the URL in the URL field will take you to a website that i maintain for a good friend of mine. i'm the "webshamish". the site is called Stpehen's Messianic Webpage and if you have a chance, we'd appreciate it if you'd take a look. ny comments you may have positive or negative are welcome. 95% of the site's content is by Stephen and i pound out the code.
anyhow, my own website is essentially secular, Zev's Universal Website. It's about a little bit of everything, i guess.
And finally, here's a link to a Christian website by a 13 year old Christian kid named Isaac. IMSaved's Website.
God bless you! Shalom baShem Yeshua!
Frasier 'n Fran - 03/15/98 02:37:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2757
My Email:frasiernfran@geocities.com
Pastor Frank, I am impressed that you visited my site. Thank you so much!
I like your site here very much. It's always a pleasure to know that God is on the internet!
Rev. William J. Whatley - 03/10/98 23:43:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~aysministries
My Email:william@trib.com
Have been visiting your site and did enjoy it. Please visit our Church Site and check out my sermons.
Please contact me by ICQ as I would love to chat with you. My # is 1824611.
God bless
Rev. Whatley
Charlene - 02/26/98 16:54:54
My URL:http://www.2xtreme.net/lee224/
My Email:lee224@usa.net
Very peaceful and relaxing web site. I like how
you are spreading the word of the Gospel here. Keep up the great work, and thanks!
Joyce - 02/14/98 16:12:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/7700/
My Email:jennyd@iamerica.net
Greetings, just thought I would say hi to a new
neighbor. I'm from Covington, La. and found your site url in Dave's guestbook. Nice pages. God
Keith L. Klaus - 02/09/98 22:08:23
My URL:http://www.topher.net/~klaushaus/
My Email:klaushaus@topher.net
nice opening page. your other links seemed busy.
i'll check back later. the hymn site was good.
check out my CREATED EARTH DAY page
Theresa - 02/03/98 04:37:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/9058
My Email:bluize@geocities.com
Hi! Thank you for visiting my page and signing the guestbook. It's so nice to come across a Christian page on the web. The music here is beautiful. Come back and visit with me anytime :-)
Have a wonderful day!
Mark Grosz - 01/30/98 05:23:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/2267
My Email:mgrosz@ibm.net
I enjoyed looking through your site and I wanted to thank you for visiting our site - God Bless!
Jewel - 01/27/98 22:38:58
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/2555
My Email:jewelee@geocites.com
thanks for sining my guestbook
David Bynum - 01/17/98 21:30:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/7664
My Email:davidbynum@hotmail.com
VERY NICE Site.... Keep up the good work....
Natty - 12/11/97 12:51:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2207
My Email:xplicit@rocketmail.com
Hello!! Thank you so much for visiting my page :) I liked your page alot, and would be honoured if you would concider joining the Christian Webring -- linking all Christian sites together :)))))
If you would like to join please see the link on my page. God bless and keep up the GOOD work!!!!!
phydeaux-fish - 10/01/97 22:26:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9098
My Email:phydeaux-fish@geocities.com
Hi! Thanx for visiting my page. I'm torn between pro-life and death. I think that if a woman intentionally has intercourse with a man, she should have the baby and give it up for adoption if she isn't ready for it. On the other hand, if she is raped, it s
ems a much more difficult decision. Normally I would've said that she should be allowed to have an abortion, but only a little while ago, a woman came to my school to give a talk on premarital-sex. This woman was amazing, she really reached me. During the
lecture, she referred to a woman who had to choose between abortion, keeping the baby, or putting it up for adoption. She chose adoption, and the baby was brought up by a great family. The baby that was adopted was the speaker, her father was a rapist. Th
speaker said how happy she was that her mother made the sacrifices of giving birth, and then giving it all up for adoption. I guess I'm Pro-life.
grizz (jimgrizz) - 10/01/97 17:25:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Baja/Dunes/2363/index.html
My Email:twelch@arlington.net
Great page. That is a good way to get people to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I never thought of that before
Billie Jo - 09/29/97 04:13:15
My URL:http://geocitites.com/Heartland/Meadows/3605/
My Email:bgordon@tusco.net
Howdy, neighbor. What a great page. Thanks for stopping by mine and looking around. I have just recently started tring to figure out how to do this homepage thing again, so any tips would be a great help. Thanks Again and God Bless!!!!
Billie Jo - 09/29/97 04:12:35
My Email:bgordon@tusco.net
Howdy, neighbor. What a great page. Thanks for stopping by mine and looking around. I have just recently started tring to figure out how to do this homepage thing again, so any tips would be a great help. Thanks Again and God Bless!!!!
Dr. Ronald T. Carter - 08/26/97 03:13:55
My Email:ronald.carter@pu.tel.hr
Looks good Frank. Good luck. Ron
kenney - 08/23/97 20:10:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/7725
My Email:kenneyr@hotmail.com
Thank you for visiting my bonehead page!
Josh Borders - 08/22/97 02:13:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9100
My Email:bordersj@smyth.net
Thanks dude!!! I love you web page too!!! Hope to talk soon!! Stop by sometime and well chat on my chat room!!! BYE!!
Josh Borders
Tim Bowling - 08/18/97 13:34:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~timbowling
My Email:timbowling@msn.com
Thanks for letting me visit.
Thomas H. Gray - 08/11/97 19:04:09
My Email:thgray@worldnet.att.net
Looks good frank. Tom