Alumni News

Arlington High School Song

We cheer today, the Red and Gray,
We know our boys will shine,
The backs will run around the ends,
And charge right through the line.
The team will march on down the field,
Until the game is won.
So lend your voice, and give a cheer,
A cheer for ARLINGTON! Rah! Rah! Rah!
L. (Lawrence) Hassler Einzig

We are located at the Arlington High School, 869 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington, MA 02476, on the third level of the Fusco Building.
We can be reached by telephone at (781) 316-3637. Since this is an all volunteer organization, the office does not have a fulltime staff. You are likely to get an answering machine. Please do leave a message, and someone will return your call.
We can also be reached through e-mail at for mail to the Webmaster .

What is the Arlington High School Alumni Association? We are a tax exempt charitable organization dedicated to assisting the students of Arlington High School.

We provide alumni services such as networking, reunion information, and an alumni directory book.

We currently have over 2000 members supporting the AHS Alumni Association through personal dedication and financial support.

We sponsor and promote the Alumni Hall of Fame. The alumni inductees represent the best from Arlington High School, who serve as role models for the students and a source of pride and inspiration to the students, alumni, and friends of AHS.

We are trying to reach out to everyone! You need not be a graduate to join. Please join us and (re)connect with AHS!


Our President is Nanci (Leverone) Ortwein. In addition to acting as our President, Nanci is a teacher at Arlighton High School.

The Alumni Association welcomes Charles Arlington Skidmore as the new principal of Arlington High School in September, 2004. Yes, you read that right. His middle name is Arlington. He is the former principal of Brighton (MA) High School. Good luck, Mr. Skidmore. The Alumni look forward to working with you.

Officers and Board of Directors.

Are you trying to locate a former classmate? Try our index of e-mail addresses early years to 1952, 1953 to 1959, 1960 to 1963, 1964 to 1966, 1967 to 1971, 1972 to 1975, 1976 to 1981, 1982 to 1987, 1988 to 1993, or 1994 through the present).

SORT, the new college rock band with Matt Pooley , class of 2001, as lead guitarist and vocalist have there own new "sort" of musical sound. Checkout the this link to their NEW homepage. Sort spent the week before Christmas recording their first CD. All original material. Visit the site and check out some of the music.

Paul MacGregor , Class of 1966, playing with the "bunnies" on Easter Sunday at Fitzsimmons Army General Hospital, Aurora, CO.

Susan Hilferty, Class of 1971, wins Broadway's Tony Award for costume design.

Dane Cook, Class of 1990, stars on the Comedy Channel and movies in Hollywood.

Tino D'Agostino, current AHS Jazz Band teacher, can be found with his Band, Spazazzy.

Peter Filichia, former AHS English teacher in the 70's currently writes for the Newark Star Ledger. His columns can be found at three times a week.


The 2nd edition of the Arlington High School Alumni directory is available. Would you like to order one? Do you have comments or questions? Please contact Harris Customer Service, toll free: 1-800-877-6554 or email .

Jack Dacey, Class of 1970, stars in movies and television in Australia. Next time you are 'down under', see him in HERCULES: THE LEGENDARY JOURNEYS. Check out the cast members at his link. Find Jack's other credits on the Internet Movie Database.

Sports Jam is a local cable program which is the creation of Dave Santino (2001), Greg Santino (2003), and Paul Collins. A whole different way of looking at the Boston sports scene.

Doug Macdonald, Class of 1965, plays part of 007.

Doug Macdonald, Class of 1965, authors book.

Matt Keating is a two sport star at Northeastern University, after starring at Arlington High School in the 90's.

Donna Wood, Class of 1935 stars in Hollywood blockbuster, Pot 'O Gold, with James Stewart.

AHS Marching Band, Class of 1968.

1968 AHS rock band , performs.

Up to date AHS sports information is tabulated by the Athletic Director.

AHS Alumni Courtyard Project is off the ground.

Who remembers Miss Rounds the Latin teacher? Natalie (Roghaar) Harwood, class of 1954, does!

1942 AHS Baseball Team goes to State final.

Town of Arlington homepage. Includes links to schools.

Presidential Award to AHS Alumni, Class of 1973.

Help! Do you have any old pictures you would like to share with the homepage? Send a scanned copy to me via e-mail with the "story behind the story", and I will see that it gets posted.

Help! part 2 The Arlington High School Alumni Association is in the process of updating the address book for ALL AHS alumni. The company that is doing this for us has sent out postcards to all last know addresses. Did you get your card? If so, please respond. This is the primary source for all alumni related activities, including reunions. If not, you may e-mail your name, current mail address, and year of graduation to this homepage. We will see that it gets forwarded to the publisher. Or, call 1-800-726-4711 to speak to the publisher directly. Call this same telephone number if you desire to purchase the updated text.

Satellite view of Arlington High School. Now you know how the housemaster knew there was smoking in the bathrooms. registration page

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