Hi! I'm Zoë, a Siberian Husky, born in August 2000. I was being fostered for the Montgomery County Humane Society. But, my family fell in love with me and decided to keep me!
So why did my original owners give me up? Well, according to my give-up sheet, I was left alone all day in my back yard, and I would run away (either dig out or jump over the fence). But what did they expect me to do, I got bored! I ended up in my current owner's front yard, because I saw that my new brother Kenai was out there. My mommy likes to think that *I* chose them, not the other way around. I have started Basic obedience and am doing well so far. Here are some pictures of me below:

Playing with my sister Cicely.

Playing with my brother Kenai.

I love my new family!

3 tired but happy dogs...

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