This is a Biographical Page Taken from The Portrait and Biographical Album of Sumner County on my Great Grandfather John Golightley.

A Good Time Party thrown for the kids of Belle Plaine

John Golightley, Kansas has provided a home for representatives
of the best nationalities on the face of the earth, including old
England, from which Mr. Golightley came in 1871. He landed
first at Quebec, whence he proceeded to Wisconsin, but he only
sojourned a few months in the Badger State, coming then to
Brown County, Kan. Of that county he was a resident about
five years and then removed to Harper County. After a sojourn
there of one year he came to this county and worked by the month
for several years. He was prudent and saved his earnings and in due time
purchased one hundred and sixty acres on section 36, Harmon Township,
of which he has been a resident.
Mr. Golightley was born in the County of Durham, England, October 24,
1846. His parents were Robert and Jane Golightley who came from
pure English Stock; they were born in England and spent their last
years there. The parental household included nine children, eight
of whom are livng.
The subject of this sketch attended the common schools during his boyhood
and at an early age was trained to habits of industry and economy. In
his native England he was employed mostly at farming, living there
until a young man of twenty-five years. After coming to Kansas he was
married in Belle Plaine, Spetember 13, 1883, to Miss Elizabeth
Johnson. This lady, a native of the Dominion of Canada, was born
in the Province of Ontario in 1852 and came with R. Robertson to
Kansas about 1882. Their union has resulted in the birth of two sons
Robert and George--aged six and four years respectively.
Mr. Golightley, politically, is a Republican. He gives his chief attention
to his farm and his family, caring very little for the honors of office.
He lives in a modest manner in an unpretentious residence, but
surrounded by the comforts of life.
Saturday night the young folks enjoyed themselves at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Golightly. The usual games and party frolic were indulged
in until the late hour when all departed having enjoyed themselves hugely.
Those present were the, Misses Myrtle Wilcox, Lulu Walton, Mollie
Lawless, Nellie Waterson, Pearl Dorsett, Berthan Platt, Daisy Platt,
Amy Burton, Cora Taylor, Mattie Holingsworth, Janie Bolderson,
Stella Thompson, Messrs. Robert Golightly, Geo. Guinn, Chas.
Guinn, Lawrence Waterson, Nathan Lawless, Noble Burton, Wilbur
Platt, Julius Burford, Arch Stevens, Walter Daly, Jenna Miller, Alvin
Wilcox, Albert Robinson, Jessie Robinson, Roy Phipps, Frank Scott, Fredd,
George Troutman, Martin Zimmerman, Edward Zimmerman, Will Walton,
Fred Walton, Chas. Gifford, Tom Scott, Bert Hollingsworth, George
Golightly, Claude Morgan, Allen Taylor, Clarence Ashwell and
Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Lawless
Dated June 18, 1903 Belle Plaine News