This Page is dedicated to my Family!!

I would like to dedicate this page to my loving family who sticks with me thru thick and thin. Who puts up with my late nights at the computer, entering data on my family and hearing me say can we vacation at like Arkansas and Mt. Harmony Cemetery or whichever it might be. Thank You all for your love, kindness and patience. When asked for Christmas what I wanted I heard myself say what all good genealogist say something for my Genealogy with a smile.

So Thanks To each of you on my list:

To my loving husband Arnie Jr. who I have now been married to for 38 years.

My 3 loving sons: Terry, Arnie III, and Michael

To my 2 Loving Daughters: Stephanie and Sarah

To my 10 loving grandchildren with all their energy, happiness and love and questions like: Have you found any of our dead relatives lately? Are you still hunting those bones? Is anyone in our family famous or are they all outlaws..To them I hope someday to be able to answer their questions with a
written history of our family for them to be able to show their family and be proud.

Yes Kids, I have found more dead relatives, Yes, I still am hunting those bones and Yes, we do have famous people in our family: E. B. Ratterree who was a sherrif for the Hangin Judge Parker in Arkansas and was on many of famous cases and We even have nobility in Scotland. We are of the Rattray Clan. I am sure we have outlaws to but have yet to run into one.

Scott, Douglas, Alex, my 3 grandsons and Michelle, Amanda, Haley, Kristin, Kelsey, Erin and Jacey my 7 granddaughters.
I would also like to thank each and everyone of my cousins I have found that I did not know existed for sharing and being so loving and kind. This page is also dedicated to you. Thanks so very, very much from the bottom of my heart!

 This page is for each of you!!!