Breastfeeding, The Gold Standard
A Parenting and Health Care Professional Conference
May 28-30, 1999
Industry Hills Sheraton
Offered at The 1997 Area Conference order audio
recordings of 1997 Conference Sessions click
Education Information
The 1998 Southern California / Nevada
Area Conference is designed to enable participants to gain a broader perspective
of the health ramifications of breastfeeding, to identify factors which
influence the breastfeeding experience, and to develop strategies to assist
mothers in overcoming difficulties. Individual course objectives are
available upon request. Continuing Education credits offered include those
from the following agencies:
There were many different activities available for children of all ages. Inside every session room you would find a bucket of quiet toys, sure to delite babies and toddlers alike. Some of the activities planned include:
We hope you and your children will join us during this family fun-filled
If you would like to host a children's panel at our 1998 Area Conference, please contact us.
Again this year we are thrilled to offer a package registration and luncheons for a discounted price. See the registration form for details. Meal prices include tax, gratuity and room usage. All tickets must be purchased in advance. Children under 3 may sit on a parents l;ap. A child over 3 must have a Children's Lunch Ticket. Sack lunches will not be permitted in the Luncheon or Dinner Area.
Saturday, May 29(Luncheon)
Sunday, May 30th (Luncheon)
If you like books on babies, children, breastfeeding, parenting and nutrition, you were in literary heaven at the Conference Bookstore. Where else but La Leche League can you find so many authors who truly understand the needs of mothers, babies and children? The tables were loaded with new books published by LLLI, old favorites, books from the LLLI Catalogue, books written by Conference speakers, children's books and more!
Bookstore hours are:
If there is a book you would like to see available
at the 1998 Area Conference,
Over 40 educational and commercial exhibitors are eager to introduce their products and services, and share information. We urge you to explore the exhibit areas. While browsing, each exhibitor will hand you a special ticket which will enable you to enter the special drawing for a free LLL So. CA/Nevada Conference Registration!
Exhibit Hours are:
When LLL Southern California/Nevada convenes in1999 for our Area Conference, we will offer a great opportunity for businesses both large and small to exhibit their family oriented products and services to our expected 750 attendees. We invite LLL Leaders, our members, and their families to send for our exhibit prospectus.
For the prospectus and further information contact: Donna 1-800-828-2663
If you are just starting out or are an experienced manufacturer of children's, maternity, or nursing fashions we would like to invite you to participate in our Luncheon Fashion Show. Our Fashion Show is the highlight of our Luncheon and draws many interested buyers to your exhibit! All clothing is modeled by Conference participants. If you are interested in having your clothing in the fashion show contact Donna 1-800-828-2663
QUIET, loseable toys, baby carriers or backpacks, blanket for floor play, a sweater for everyone (air conditioning is not controllable in individual rooms).
No strollers will be allowed in the Conference Facility! Mothers with special needs (i.e. multiples, handicapped children or mother) may obtain a stroller permit by sending a Email request to Sue before May 15, 1998.
Strollers not displaying the La Leche League Special Circumstances Permit will be denied access to the Conference Facility.
We need your helping hand and friendly smile. As a Host/Hostess, or Teen Helper, you can help make this Conference a success. Host/Hostesses will receive scrip redeemable for books, or merchandise at the bookstore or a session tape, for $5.00 per hour worked. Teens receive scrip redeemable for cash at $2.00 per hour worked. To sign up, please use the Hostess Application on the flip side of the Registration Form.
Would you be willing to help out and be a ticket taker for Conference sessions? The duties of a ticket taker are simple but essential and can easily be handled with a baby in a carrier. Volunteering will usually assure you your first choice of sessions. Be sure to mark the sessions for which you are willing to be a ticket taker on your Registration Form.
We have many items donated by our exhibitors. Each registrant will receive one drawing ticket. Additional tickets will be given to those registrants making a donation to the Leader Conference Education Fund. This fund helps Leaders whose group cannot financially help them attend the Area Conference. Your donation helps breastfeeding mothers to receive current information and support!
Winners posted by 1:00 p.m.
La Leche League is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed. To return to top of screen, click here.
To find a La Leche League Leader in Southern California/Nevada click here.
To the La Leche League International Home Pages click here.
This page maintained by Kathy
for La Leche League of Southern California/ Nevada. Please contact
me for any questions, problems or suggestions.
Last modified Sept 6, 1998 by merri. The La Leche League logo is a registered trademark of La Leche League, International. Used with permission. The Sun & Sibling Logo is a registered trademark of La Leche League of Southern California/Nevada, Inc. Used with permission.
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