McLemore Archives!
McLemore Archives collects records on men and women who are decendants of Abraham and James McLemore, brothers who settled southeastern Virginia in the early 18th centry and whose decendants now reside all over America. My goal is to aid in "The Regathering of The Clan McLemore".
Material may be made available or copied without charge for persons who are willing to help contribute information and data to the Archives. The collection currently includes: 1. Individual family trees and group sheets. 2. Index files on all men and women who bear the name McLemore surname and are possible decendants of Abraham or James McLemore (Macklemore). These seek to include name, date of birth, place of birth, date of death, place of burial, father's name, spouses, wedding date, siblings, and /or children (on file, about 15,000 cards). 3. County cards with births, marriages, deaths, and census records of McLemores in the particular counties (1,800 cards). 4. McLemores on the Social Security Death Index up through 1994, gives name, date of birth, place where card issued, month and year of death, and Social Security Number. 5. Census records. All the U.S. state soundexes for 1880, 1900, 1910, and 1920 have been researched for McLemores. Printouts are available for particular states and years. Census of McLemores also available by state for 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, and 1870.
Open Soundex FileI must point out, copies are in LIMITED QUANTITIES!
I have included some facts and history of some McLemores, if you want to read them, click on "McLemore Notables".
Links to other McLemore sites on the
Thank you for visiting my page and feel free to contact me if you have questions. God Bless!
© 1997 William P. McLemore
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