A Tribute to Harmon C. Thompson
China Service Medal
Korean War Medal
Occupational Service Medal
Harmon C. Thompson enlisted in the Navy in 1939. He was 20 years old . The first ship he was stationed on was The USS Memphis. He was stationed on other ships some of them were USS BERRY, USS BARRY,  USS Haynsworth , USS AULT, USS WARRINGTON, USS YOUNG, USS TIDEWATER. USS FOSS, USS BEALE, USS STODDARD, and USS MULLANY. While he was stationed on the USS MULLANY his ship was hit by a plane. Men were lost and some were injured. Dad was one of the volunteers who went back to the ship to get her started to get back to port. Below is a commendation letter signed by the Commander of the USS Mullany at the time.
Some of the medals Dad received while he was in the service.
When the ship would cross the equator the sailors would receive a card stating that they were there. From what I was told they also dressed up for the occasion. (sorry dad) Looks like they had some fun.