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Can You do the Same?

God defined has no effective option but to produce a Bible and no option but to make it True and Reliable, Normative and Authoritative in all matters of Faith, Life and Morals. If nothing else, it is simply Logical, ergo, believable. So, the question at hand is do you, or anyone else, hold to their religious tenets of faith, beyond reason and logic, only to be "anti Bible". Is this your situation because of all the voices trying to teach to the contrary?

Thomas Alva Edison could easily have accepted the taunts of fellow developers and set aside the idea of the light bulb. But he knew it would work. He did the research, conducted the needed experimentation, and got a light bulb. It only took about three thousand tries. But Thomas was a man of great persistence and faith. For all we know, God may have told him to make it. And why not? God gave a young man named George Washington Carver many secrets to the potential of the peanut. This was the result of prayer and a great story, one I hope you have the opportunity to hear some day.

A Miracle Happens

In 1956 a child was born 100% normal. Everything was just fine until early 1959. The child was two years old when he took a terrible fall and cracked his skull. He got what was called acquired epilepsy. By 1961 he was having as many as 25 Gran Maul seizures per day.

The doctors told his parents that he was going to die and the best thing they could do would be to put him in an institution where he could be cared for properly until the time came. But on the night of the news, the child's mother gave a final prayer, a new prayer. She had been praying, "Heal my son Lord." But that night she surrendered ownership of the boy to God. Her prayer that night was, "Lord, he was yours before he was mine and if You wish to take him back now, just give me the strength to deal with it." She finally realized that God owned the boy, and not her. That night God moved.

The mother returned to the hospital the next day and the ward was abuzz. She was told that no one understood what had happened, but that the child seemed completely normal again. They asked if they could hold the boy over for a few more days to run tests, but that it looked as though a miracle was bringing her child home very soon.

The tests were done and I went home that week, and I haven't had a single seizure since. And since then I have learned that I can trust God and that He will never fail me.

Since then I have learned to trust in God and He has never failed me. Does that mean that everything comes out the way I want it? No. It means that it has always come out better than what would have happened if I had gotten what I wanted though. I know this because, as the evidence has shown, There is a God, He is Good, He is wise, He is powerful and He cares for me.

Not only that, but He does care for you. How much does He care? He cares enough for you to have come among us, living as one of us and to die as payment for everything that we have ever done wrong against Him. Because He is perfect and Holy, one cannot dwell with Him unless that person is also Holy.

It doesn't matter if you told a lie, stole a pack of gum, disobeyed your parents or hedged on your income taxes. All of it is sin and punishable by eternity in Hell for anyone unless they have not sinned, and we have all sinned. The only other option is to have someone else pay the price for you. This can only be done by one who is without sin. The only one who can be without sin is God in Person, who is Jesus Christ.

This means that anyone who wishes to live their eternity in Heaven rather than Hell, must accept His payment for their sins against God. His payment is the Blood of Jesus. You see, the Bible is true and it says that you will live forever, in Heaven or Hell. You have a choice. Will you accept that you are a sinner? Will you accept that you have no merit of your own that could make God open the doors of Heaven to you? Will you accept that Jesus died for your sins? Will you accept that Jesus Christ is God in Person and has the authority to pay for your sins? Will you make Him the Lord and Savior of your life? If so, then stop right now and talk to Him about it. Tell Him these things and ask Him to be your King. Invite Him to live in your heart, to keep you safe and guide you through life. He will do that. Or, if you refuse Him, He will let you go to Hell? He would rather you come to live eternally with Him because He Loves You. If you have made the decision and prayed the prayer for His forgiveness, then He will come to live in your heart and rule in your life.

It is not always an emotional thing, so if you don't feel something, that doesn't mean that nothing happened - God has given His word that it is a done deal. If you have decided to become a Child of God, Please drop us a note. We will be glad to do anything we can to help you get started on your journey through life.

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Copyright Keith Jenkins 1997

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