Airplane landing in Kansas

Welcome to the Dunn's
Home on the Range

lightning and Thunder

Comet going over Kansas
Jack & Jo Ann have lived in Great Bend, Kansas most of our lives. We have lots of very good friends.
We still enjoy being together. Jo Ann is my inspiration for most things in life.
We have three sons that we think a lot of and support in all their endeavors.
Jack works for a local trailer manufacturing firm. And likes to build web pages.
Jo Ann keeps Jack out of trouble. And loves to shop.
We hope you enjoy our little piece of Kansas.
Now you may notice this site really loves Kansas.
Dunn Site in Kansas Doonan Where Jack Works Kansas State University
Jo Ann's Secret Garden Interactive map of Kansas University of Kansas
"Jo Ann's" Wolf Spirit Page   Old West Kansas links
Kansas State Welcome Kansas Flag

Author Jack T. & Jo Ann Dunn
We want to thank geocities for this site
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