
Press the arrow to start the music.

Hi there, and welcome!

Come on in and make yourself at home!
This is the simplified version of Hopper's Home.
You may switch over to the GRAPHIC RICH version if you wish.
The graphic rich version is best viewed with netscape 4 or above, and it does contain some java script.

This page represents some of the things I am interested in.
Hopefully you will find something here you enjoy.
Please leave a note on my guestbook with any comments or suggestions you might have.

Hope you enjoy your stay, and feel free to pop back in
any time
- Hopper

Kind hearts are the gardens,
Kind thoughts are the roots,
Kind words are the flowers,
Kind deeds are the fruits.

Take care of your garden,
And keep out the weeds;
Fill it with sunshine,
Kind words and kind deeds.

- Longfellow

Hopper's Pages

  • Southern Cooking
  • A Tour Of Houston
  • Household Hints
  • God's Word
  • Music
  • HTML Colors
  • Fonts
  • Graphics
  • Computer Procedures
  • General Links
  • Educational Links
  • Lin's Higher Education Links

  • Ever wondered what REAL CHRISTIANITY is? Go to the link and see for yourself.

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    Hopper Graphics

    Most of the graphics on these pages are designed and owned by Hopper Graphics.
    For graphics and page design information, please contact H.G. at: