Scruffy came into my life in March 1993. He was a scruffed up, underweight, scratched up little cat who was obviously abandoned. Scruffy would come around my ground floor balcony and meow and cry at night for food, so of course I fed him and cuddled him. He wasn't my cat but I still went to the store and bought cat food knowing that he would be coming around. Finally In June I decided that I'd better do somthing because he wasn't looking very healthy. I caught him and took him to the Humane Society in hopes that someone would adopt him. A week later the Humane Society wanted to put him down. Well there was NO WAY I was going to let that happen so I adopted him, as sick and matted up as he was. My Vet said that Scruffy had had a broken jaw and a bad nose injury at some point in his life....he had been abused. I took great care of Scruffy and his weight went up and he got better. Scruffy was my best friend during a very difficult time in my life when my now ex-husband and I separated. Scruffy was there for me.

Scruffy When I First Adopted Him

Now, Scruffy is about 9 years old and a wonderful, loving cat. Even though this cat came into my life during the worst time in my life and I really couldn't afford to have a cat......I did and I will never regret keeping him. This cat is the sunshine in my life when the clouds get too thick........

Wildone and Scruffy July 1997

Scruffy 1998

Scruffy My Sweetheart