Happy Holidays
Best Wishes for1999!

We've made our list, we've checked it twice...
we know our guests have all been nice!
And so we give to all of you
A heartfelt holiday wish or two.

To our canine friends...
Lots of treats, tummy rubs, and a New Year full of slow squirrels, high-flying frisbees, and an endless supply of tennis balls!

To our ballooning friends...
Low wind, 20 mile visibility, soft landings and cordial landowners, and
a good hit on the "X" every time!

And to all the friends who've visited Vetters' Place this year...
Holidays filled with love and joy in the company of those dear to you...
The peace that comes from forgiving a grudge, healing a hurt, righting a wrong, or sharing with one who has less than you...
And above all...
Health, happiness and success in the New Year!

See You Next Year!
Cheryl & Dave
The Canine Clowns


"We Wish You A Merry Christmas"