Clip-Art and Web Publishing
This website wouldn't have been possible without all the wonderful free resources available online. Some of those that were most helpful are listed here.
Animal-Related Clipart
The Dog Hause Art Gallery - Probably the most
comprehensive source for animal graphics to be found, it's a real
zoo and includes the usual buttons, bars & backgrounds, plus
fonts, ASCII animal art, and more - and it's all free for the
Lissa Jane's Dog Icons - A nice collection of
canine-themed clipart.
Critters! - Not a collection, but an
interesting index of additional sources for animal-related art.
General Clip-Art Indexes and Collections
Becki's Garden of Graphics - Some very cute &
original graphics here. Includes Thanksgiving and Christmas
graphics. A plus is the fact that the pages load really quickly,
a rarity with so many graphics collections.
A Touch of Country -A homespun collection of
country-themed artwork, including backgrounds, lines and banners.
If you're looking to add a folksy touch to your homepage, you're
sure to enjoy this site.
The Clip-Art Connection - This is a real
treasure-trove of links, extremely well-organized, where I've
rarely found a broken or outdated link. Features an index ordered
by theme that I found invaluable in the early days of developing
this site. A GREAT starting point!
Barry's Clip-Art Server - Another very
comprehensive collection with some unique links not seen
elsewhere. Barry works hard on this one!
The NEW Mousepad - A favorite collection,
whimsical and all original art by Vikimouse! Dividers, buttons,
backgrounds and graphics with a down-home, country feel,
including difficult-to-find quilting, crafting & genealogy
themed material. Well worth a visit!
Mama Bear's Pic Library - If you're looking for
holiday graphics, from Christmas to St. Patrick's Day to the
Fourth of July, this is a super place to start! Most, if not all,
the artwork is original... free for the taking with a link back
to the site.
Icon Bazaar - Just what it says it is!
If you can't find what you're looking for here, in terms of
icons, it probably doesn't exist. Very well organized, and
quick-loading, considering how graphics-intensive it is!
Wizzle's Festive Graphics - Some very unique
backgrounds with complimentary graphics. Champagne bottles, Mardi
Gras masks, balloons and more. "Wizzle" has much more
to offer - the site is hosted on several different servers, and
is sometimes a bit difficult to navigate, but you can find your
way to many other collections, as well as recipes, e-cards, and
lots more here. This is well worth a
visit, if a bit frustrating to navigate at times.
Windy's Fashionable Page Designs - Beautiful collection of
original backgrounds, spanning a great variety of themes and
styles. Something for everyone here.
Geocities Link Graphics - For folks with pages
hosted by Geocities, all sorts of possibilities for adding the
required link to your pages. Another nice collection can be found
Music, Music!
The Ultimate Midi
Theme-Song Page - Theme songs from TV and the
movies to download for your website. A fairly extensive
collection and easy to navigate.
The Classical Midi Archives - A wonderful place to
spend some time. Relax and listen to some very high quality
sequences, or choose one for your pages.
Bourbon Street "Listen to
- A neatly-organized and broad selection, from pop to rock,
children's songs, folk, jazz... you name it, you'll probably find
Ragtime Midis by W.
- Classic ragtime numbers to put a lively background theme on
your pages. Also some of Trachtman's original ragtime-style
compositions. Very nice quality!
Text & photographs on these pages copyright © 1997-1998, Cheryl P. Vetter.
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"Root Beer Rag"